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Lotus Leaves
Aurora rises from the sea, And leaves the crocus-flowered bed. - Eastward the silver arrows fall, Splintering the veil of holy night......Nocturne
Silence. Then through the stillness rings The fretful echo of a seagull's scream, As if one cried who sees within a dream Deep rooted sorrow in the heart of things. ...We have the answers to Brexit’s causes
British voters were right to demand radical change – those in power owe them action to rebalance our unequal society. ...University 'dual nationality' plan for Brexit
A top UK university is planning a "unique" post-Brexit arrangement with a German university in which staff will be appointed jointly by both institutions......Aromë blirësh
Në këtë univers, që zgjerohet pafundësive kozmike, fatet tona s’do të përplasen kurrë....Aftersong
For you my table has been set at the highest point. Who lives so near the stars? ...The Cross On The Rock
I know a rock in a highland's ravine, On which only eagles might ever be seen......In Memoriam: Mika Yamamoto
Mika ishte gazetare japoneze, e vrarë në Aleppo të Sirisë ......The Moment the same moment when the trees unloose their soft arms from around you, the birds take back their language......Road Runner Populism
With unemployment down and economic growth up, one of the populists’ strongest arguments is......Atmosphere
Moisture and color and odor thicken here. The hours of daylight gather atmosphere. ...The Water-Nymph
The moon walks on the cloudy floor; And there's the maiden - pale, delightful......Si mund të shpëtojë Maqedonia?
... drejtuesit e pushtetit dhe faktori ndërkombëtar, duhet patjetër t’i shfrytëzojnë idetë, sugjerimet dhe kapacitetet e bashkësisë akademike, me këtë rast edhe sugjerimet nga plani B......Thor Heyerdahl (1914 – 2002)
Thor Heyerdahl was a Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer with a background in zoology, botany......Brexit: Jean-Claude Juncker says chance of deal has increased
Top EU officials have expressed optimism that a Brexit deal can be struck by the end of the year. ...Rezultati i keqkuptuar i referendumit në Maqedoni
Koha nuk pret, është momenti për të marrë vendime kyçe dhe, veçanërisht faktori shqiptar në Maqedoni......A po shndërrohet sërish bota në një xhungël?
E frustruar nga populizmi dhe politika e identitetit, Europa është në rrezik të kthehet tek grindjet......SEFARAD (ספרד - סלוניקי)
Gjyshi im quhej Samuel, dhe si reminishenca jetësh të shkuara......Epithalamion
And still the mad magnificent herald Spring assembles beauty from forgetfulness......Digital IDs are more dangerous than you think
Governments seek to digitize their citizens in an effort to universalize government services, while the banking, travel......Imazh Hyjnor
Forma Njerëzore-Flakë Kalitur, Njerëzorja Fytyrë-Furrnaltë zellhershme......Bright Star
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite, The moving waters at their priestlike task......The Temple Of Love
O Love, O pure deep Love, be here, be now, Be all - worlds dissolve into your......Dёshtimi i Referendumit, njё mёsim i hidhur
Bojkoti masiv i referendumit tregon pёrҁarjen politike tё shoqёrisё maqedonase......Author info