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Archimedes’ legendary sphere brought to life
Recreation of a 2,000-year-old model of the Universe to appear in exhibition.
Kaosi në BE vazhdon
Nëse bërthama e vjetër e Europës dëshiron të arrijë pranimin e politikave të saj nga të gjitha vendet e BE-së, duhet t’i marrë po aq seriozisht sa popullsinë e vet edhe problemet e njerëzve të thjeshtë në shtetet e reja anëtare. ...Kryeministri Tsipras, mbledh qeverinë
Në mbledhjen e parë të qeverisë së re, Aleksis Tsipras paralajmëroi ministrat e tij për rigorozitet në vlerësimin e punës së tyre, duke ritheksuar se i pret një kapitull i vështirë....Hajdutë dhe kusarë miliarderë në politikë, e milionerë në pension...
Politikanët, e dinë më mirë se kushdo tjetër, që çdo profesion të sjell një pagë të caktuar, të ulët apo të lartë. Por sado e lartë të jetë paga e një profesioni të caktuar, ajo nuk mund të krahasohet kurrë me pagën «pa kufi» që të sjell politika...Shthurrja e Bashkimit Europian
Nënshkruesit e Marrëveshjes Shengen, që krijoi një zonë pa kufij nëpër shumë vende të Europës, me siguri mund të rivendosin kufijtë kombëtarë në rrethana të jashtëzakonshme, sikurse veproi këtë javë dhe në mënyrë të njëanshme Gjermania....Ukraine bans Russian airlines' flights
Ukraine has said it will ban Russian airlines from flying into the country as part of sanctions over Moscow's support for rebels in the east....A refugee crisis that Europe cannot escape
The desperate human beings landing on European shores pose daunting moral, political and practical difficulties. But a way has to be found to manage them without sacrificing the values on which modern Europe was built....iPhone 6s review: built for success
The iPhone 6s has been equipped with a new fingerprint sensor, embedded in the home button and known as Touch ID. As with the 6, you can register up to five fingerprints to the phone for unlocking the handset, authenticating your identity or verifying purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store or iBooks Store....Cambridge 'to bring back entry tests'
Cambridge University is considering re-introducing a universal entry test to be able to spot the brightest students amid a rise in those obtaining top A-level grades... ...Concorde set to fly again by 2019
Club Concorde, a group of ex-pilots, airline executives, engineers and Concorde enthusiasts have unveiled their plan to have the airliner back in the sky by 2019. Concorde was retired by its owners British Airways and Air France in 2003....The great migration to Europe
Europe, for all its self-inflicted woes, remains politically stable and rich. Globalisation means that (a) more is known about life here than ever before; (b) there are settled expatriate communities acting as magnets and facilitators; and (c) Europe is easier to reach than ever......BE në qorrsokak
Ideja që refugjatët dhe azilkërkuesit të regjistrohen vetëm në të ashtuquajturat "Hotspots", është vetëm një iluzion optik. Një "Hotspot" ekziston vetëm në Katania të Italisë, ndërsa Greqia është shprehur e gatshme që tani të fillojë me përgatitjet....N Korea restarts main nuclear complex
North Korea says it has revamped and restarted its main nuclear complex in Yongbyon and is working to improve its nuclear weapons “in quality and quantity”, a move likely to rekindle tension with South Korea and the US. ...How Schengen works
Only six of the 28 EU member states are outside the Schengen zone - Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the UK....Russia’s Anatoly Motylyov: Rise, fall, repeat
Anatoly Motylyov was the perfect image of an erudite Russian banker: born into the Soviet elite, he mingled easily with the Kremlin-connected elite and the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church....BE do të ketë ushtrinë e saj?!
Bashkimi i forcave mund të ndihmojë për t’iu kundërpërgjigjur kërcënimeve të reja përtej kufijve të bllokut si dhe për të mbrojtur “vlerat” evropiane....Revolucioni i Junckerit
Junckeri kërkoi një ndarje të përhershme, të detyrueshme të refugjatëve dhe azilkërkuesve në të gjitha shtetet e BE. Kjo nuk është më pak se një revolucion, sepse sot janë vetëm pesë shtete që pranojnë 90% të refugjatëve që vijnë....Germany to impose border controls
Germany is to introduce temporary controls on its border with Austria to cope with the influx of migrants, the interior minister has said....In Memoriam ( Dh. Pasko)
Dhimitër Pasko, i njohur me pseudonimin Mitrush Kuteli u lind më 13 Shtator 1907 në Pogradec, dhe ndërrroi jetë më 4 Maj 1967 në Tiranë....The best apps for student life
With university just around the corner, now's the time to start preparing for life as a fresher - wise up and check out the best iPhone and Android apps......Desirelessness
There are many difficulties in the way of the teacher when he tries to acquire desirelessness, and it also requires special consideration from the standpoint of the student....EU leaders pledge help for migrants
The vast majority of migrants reaching Hungary aim to travel on to Germany and other wealthier western European countries. ...The Cloak
When and how he entered the department, and who appointed him, no one could remember. However much the directors and chiefs of all kinds were changed, he was always to be seen in the same place, the same attitude, the same occupation.......Hungary Tells Germany To Stop Taking Refugees
In an interview with Austrian television, Mr Orban claimed the crisis could also place an intolerable financial burden on EU nations, threatening the continent's "Christian welfare states"....The journal of proposals, ideas, data and more
New journal aims to publish from ‘all stages of the research cycle’....Migration Crisis Tearing at Fabric of Europe
"The world is watching us," German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated final week as she tried to influence European friends to share the burden of taking in individuals fleeing conflict and distress in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and past....How can EU resolve crisis?
The EU admits that its asylum procedures are inadequate, faced with the biggest influx of migrants since the Balkan wars of the 1990s....Vend i Thyeshëm
Muret e shpijave janë kështjellë të rrxueme me frangjija të panjehuna......Queen Elizabeth to make rare public speech
London: Queen Elizabeth is expected to make a rare public speech thanking her British and Commonwealth subjects for 63 years of support when she becomes the counrty`s longest-reigning monarch on September 9....E gjelbër është ngjyra e parajsës
Recenzion: The Colour of Paradise - Columbian Emeralds in the age of Gunpowder Empires (Ngjyra e parajsës - Smeraldët e Kolumbisë në kohën e perandorive të barotit), autori: Kris Lane, botoi: Yale, 2010. ...Does Capitalism Cause Poverty?
Capitalism gets blamed for many things nowadays: poverty, inequality, unemployment, even global warming. ...Water Lily
The ripple of water, the shade of the sky are mine; it is still the same, my life. ...It’s official: money can buy you happiness
“Life satisfaction, sense of worth and happiness are higher, and anxiety less, as the level of household wealth increases,” the ONS said in a paper released on Friday....Oliver Sacks (1933–2015)
It is a serene image of destination — and eminently unfit to characterize the final decade of Oliver Sacks's life. Against a tide of diminishing health, he added four books to an already impressive catalogue: Musicophilia (2007), The Mind's Eye (2010), Hallucinations (2012)......Privacy fears over websites sharing children's data
Websites and apps aimed at children are gathering unacceptable amounts of personal data, the Information Commissioner's Office has warned....Why the paralysis on migrant crisis?
"We can't cope!" is the collective cry from across Europe, as the huddled masses spill onto its shores and scramble over hastily-assembled razor wire fences. "The numbers are too great. It's biblical!"...Student part-time work: the benefits
“Students make great iTechs,” says AJ Forsythe, iCracked founder and CEO. “They have flexible schedules, they’re intelligent and they’re hardworking.”...Author info