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Europe’s Barbarians Inside the Gate
In this environment, the full economic, banking, fiscal, and political union that a stable monetary union eventually requires is not viable: The eurozone core opposes more risk sharing, solidarity, and faster integration. And populist parties of the right and left – anti-EU, anti-euro, anti-migrant, anti-trade, and anti-market ...
Five million affected by Vtech hack
Electronic toy and educational material seller Vtech has confirmed that about five million customers were affected in the data theft reported on Friday. They are from all over the world, including the US, UK, France and China....Universities’ value
Proposals for UK higher education contain some positive points amid the financial gloom....Si ta mposhtim ISIS-in?
Henri Kissinger ka bërë të ditur se gjatë jetës së tij, SHBA kanë luftuar katër luftëra të mëdha dhe e nisën secilën prej tyre me entuziazëm të madh dhe mbështetje publike. ...German plan stalls on EU-wide deal
The surprise mini-summit suggested that Merkel has given up on trying to persuade her opponents, mostly in eastern Europe, to join a mandatory refugee-sharing scheme across the EU, although she is also expected to use the pro-quotas coalition ......"Li-Fi, 100 times faster than Wi-Fi"
Li-Fi can deliver internet access 100 times faster than traditional wi-fi, offering speeds of up to 1Gbps (gigabit per second)....New Refugee Homelands
Rather than conflating the issues of refugees and terrorism, politicians and policymakers should be addressing each separately. On the question of refugees, Western countries should take in as many as their populations can assimilate, demonstrating a willingness......Argentina’s Fresh Start
Argentina’s new president-elect, Mauricio Macri, an engineer by training, is often described in the international press as “center-right.” But that label is not quite correct. In Argentina, the left-right divide has been blurred by the policies of the hydra-headed......Lufta tjetër e Francës
Në qoftë se Franca, e pasur në krijimtari dhe traditë, do të përdorë sfidën e sotme për të ri-aktivizuar kulturën e saj ekonomike, ajo do të japë një kontribut më të qëndrueshëm për vetëmbrojtjen e qytetërimit....One Net, One Future
The Internet has already become the world’s most important infrastructure. But this is only the beginning: soon it will be the infrastructure of all other infrastructures. Policies born of confusion, chaos, and confrontation have no place in this new world of opportunities....Houellebecq: How France’s Leaders Failed Its People
As for the population, it hasn’t failed at all. It’s unclear, at bottom, exactly what the population thinks, since our successive governments have taken great care not to hold referendums (except for one, in 2005, on a proposed European constitution, whose result they then preferred to ignore)....The Western Roots of Anti-Western Terror
Such interventions neglect the lessons of history. Simply put, nearly every Western intervention this century has had unforeseen consequences, which have spilled over borders and ultimately prompted another intervention....* * *
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness....* * *
Russia and west could set aside differences over future of President Assad and focus airstrikes on Isis, world leaders suggest at G20 summit......We Are At War
The Islamic State expects from us a combination of cowardice and overreaction. Its ultimate ambition is to provoke a clash of civilizations between the West and the Muslim world. We must not fall prey to that strategy....The War on Terror Begins Anew
Countries have enacted security legislation and created special intelligence and police units to stop perpetrators and discourage or prevent attacks, and have complemented these efforts by entering into international and regional treaties and bilateral agreements....Europёs i shpallet luftё
Pas natёs sё tmerrit nё Paris organizata terroriste IS komunikoi se ёshtё porositësi i atentateve me mbi 120 viktima. Sulmet janё njё goditje jo vetёm pёr Francёn. Europa duhet tё veprojё mendon Alexander Kudascheff....Donald Tusk: Shengen para kolapsit
Presidenti i Këshillit të Europës, Donald Tusk, ka tërhequr vërejtjen më 12 Nëntor se, marrëveshja e kufijve të hapur në Bashkimin Europian, që njihet edhe si zona Shengen, është para kolapsit si rezultat i krizës së emigrantëve....Is It Time for Global Money?
Globalization has shrunk the dimensions of the world economy, and the time for a world central bank has arrived. Dream on. A single world currency is in fact neither likely nor desirable....The Brexit Balance Sheet
Cameron might actually get other European leaders to agree to his demands for reform, without which he has said he would not campaign to keep his country in the EU. They are not extreme: a guarantee that non-eurozone members gain full access to the single market......BE para shpërbërjes?
Popullata në Europë ka frikë nga vërshimi i pakontrolluar i refugjatëve dhe jo sepse u është ekspozuar sharlatanëve të djathtë. Edhe vetë në Gjermani, çdo ditë i kalojnë pa pengesë kufijtë mijëra vetë, edhe pas vendosjes së disa masave restriktive nga qeveria....Ne ju ofrojmë ndihmë, në rrugën e BE-së
Bashkimi Europian nuk ka të bëjë vetëm me kthimin e një ideali në realitet. Ai ofron përfitime të prekshme politike, ekonomike dhe të sigurisë bazuar te solidariteti dhe kohezioni i anëtarëve të Bashkimit. Zona e paqes, stabilitetit dhe begatisë nuk është një koncept i zbrazët; ajo është një program i vërtetë për projektin europian......David Cameron sets out EU reform goals
David Cameron's letter to Donald Tusk says the UK will not stand in the way of further eurozone integration but calls for safeguards to protect British business from discrimination and a formal recognition that the EU has more than one currency....Logjika që s’është
Askujt nuk do të duhej t’i dhembte vlerësimi që do të mund ta bënin ekspertët e fushës juridike me ekspertizë të kamotshme dhe me përvojën e shembujve të zbatuar në shtetet anëtare të Këshillit të Europës....What To Do About Debt
Global debt has grown some $57 trillion since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, reaching a back-breaking $199 trillion in 2014, more than 2.5 times global GDP, according to the McKinsey Global Institute....Internet or Intifada?
The focus on the Temple Mount has given the current confrontation an apocalyptic quality. It is time for both sides – and especially the Israelis – to recognize just how dangerous the situation is....Toward Protecting Participants’ Privacy
Genomic data shared via the Beacon Project are vulnerable to privacy breaches, scientists show....* * *
"Heaven is beautiful, Earth is ugly," The three-dimensioned preacher saith; So we must not look where the snail and the slug lie For Psyche's birth. . . . And that is our death!...Republika e demonëve
Ngushtësia mendore dhe mungesa e edukatës elementare të politikanëve paralizojnë Kosovën. Kësaj ngushtësie i ndihmojnë kalemxhinjtë që e kanë ndotur keq gazetarinë....How has airport security changed?
After the attacks in the US on 11 September 2001, the ICAO tightened up its recommendations on checking passengers and luggage as well as access to planes and secure areas. But because - unlike the EU in Europe - it has no jurisdiction, it can only encourage change....Gazmend Freitag's Exhibit is in a class by itself!
“Beautiful Moments” (Schöne Momente / Momente te Bukura) by Gazmend Freitag is currently running at the Sozialversicherung der Gewerblichen Wirtschaft – and the exhibit is in a class by itself!...Radikalizmi “omeletë” nuk ngjall shpresë
Rinia duhet të mos harrojë se politika e tranzicionit është mjeshtre për të abuzuar me pasionin dhe adrenalinën politike të saj. E ka bërë historikisht duke filluar me abuzimin me Lëvizjen e Dhjetorit të 1990 dhe mesa duket po e bën sërish sikurse sërish lidershipi PD-ist po dëshmon. ...The Return of Geopolitics to Europe
Unlike the United States, Europe is not a continental island insulated by oceans. It is the western end of the giant Eurasian land mass. Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa are its direct neighbors, and this unstable neighborhood poses the greatest security ......Dëshira e premierës (Cikël poetik)
Vera e sivjetshme vdiq mbi Shtator. Vera e buteve akoma jo! ...sepse është në gjakun tim......Europe’s Politics of Dystopia
We need your help to sustain our not-for-profit mission: ensuring that readers around the world have equal access to ideas and analysis from the world’s leading thinkers....Demokracia, diktaturë në ligj!
Demokracia është diktuar në ligj. Shtet do të thotë forcë! Në 24 vjet nuk kemi zbatuar ligjin, ashtu sa dhe si duhet, si rrjedhojë nuk kemi krijuar shtet me plot kuptimin e fjalës. ...The Great Leader Revival
Whether or not Napoleon was great, the question remains whether any leader could merit that description. And if so, who?...Panairi i Librit "Tirana 2015"!
Panairi i Librit sivjet do të zhvillohet nga data 11-15 Nëntor 2015, në Pallatin e Kongreseve, Tiranë....Author info