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Qershitë e harruara
Ra nata e ndriçuar nga rrezet e hënës së re. Fshati flinte. Ne, të varfrit, dridheshim si një trup i vetëm, duke ëndërruar me gaz ditët që na kishte premtuar Omari. Na dukej sikur fjalët e tij kishin jetuar gjithmonë në zemrat tona dhe në ato të të vdekurve tanë.
Together, China and Europe will be stronger
Next year, we will mark the 10th anniversary of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. In spite of vicissitudes in the international landscape in the past decade, China-Europe relations have stayed on an upward track....Judgment time
The tribunal’s ruling builds on “a formidable corpus of evidence”, which includes the report of a Truth Commission held in London in June....L’Aquila verdict row grows
Global backlash greets sentencing of Italian scientists who assessed earthquake risk. ...Blair warns coalition over eurosceptics
Mr Blair told a conference in Berlin that a solution to the crisis required “a large measure of political union” among the eurozone’s 17 states, but it was essential that the wider EU should remain a coherent entity. ...A free press is worth fighting for
Take it online and you lose all political impact; you lose the vital editorial marshalling of the often excellent journalists and cartoonists and photographers into a single daily statement, a single product – and everything gets lost in the morass of Google news....Testing magnesium's brain-boosting effects
Simple ion therapy faces human trials after ten years of preparation.The research, led by biopharmaceutical company Magceutics of Hayward, California, began testing the ability of its product Magtein to boost magnesium ion (Mg2+) levels in the brain earlier this month....Britain facing new eastern Europe immigration surge
Britain is facing a new wave of Eastern European immigration which will put British workers’ jobs at risk, experts have warned. ...Herbal remedies linked to drug side effects
Taking herbal remedies and dietary supplements alongside drugs like aspirin could cause harmful side effects, experts claim. ...GDP figures: Britain is out of recession
“Britain is recovering from a very deep banking crisis and some very deep seated problems that emerged over many years. But today you can see that the British economy is on the right track,” he said....Toxicology: The learning curve
Researchers say that some chemicals have unexpected and potent effects at very low doses — but regulators aren't convinced....JFK assassination: the finger points to the KGB
Half a century later, two great traumas of the Cold War era stir in the memory – the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 14-28 1962 and the Kennedy assassination on November 22 the following year. ...“Nobeli”, thirrje për zgjimin e Europës
Përmes një vendimi që është kritikuar dhe përgëzuar në pothuajse masë të njëjtë, Komiteti norvegjez i Nobelit ia dha çmimin e Paqes të këtij viti Bashkimit Europian, duke i shprehur kështu mirënjohjen për kontributin që ka dhënë në “avancimin e paqes dhe pajtimit, demokracisë dhe të drejtave të njeriut në Europë” përgjatë gjashtëdhjetë viteve të kaluara....Ideali kombëtar në 100 vjetorin e pavarësisë
Në këtë 100-vjetor, kombi shqiptar fatbardhësisht ka njerëz mendje-ndritur dhe ekspertë në çdo degë dhe fushë të jetës njerëzore. Ky përvjetor është momenti historik i përqëndrimit në idealin njerëzor dhe kombëtar. Mungesa e idealit kombëtar, tërheqë lakmitë e të huajve dhe dashtë e pa dashtë bie viktimë e tyre...."Ditët e Naimit", Tetovë, 2012
Prej 18–21 Tetor, në Tetovë, në Prizren dhe në Prishtinë u mbajt Edicioni i XVI i Festivalit Ndërkombëtar të Poezisë “Ditët e Naimit”. Ky shenjues kulturor u zhvillua në 100 vjetorin e Shpalljes së Pavarësisë së shtetit shqiptar në bashkëpunim me Universitetin Shtetëror të Tetovës dhe me PEN-in e Kosovës....Banking union will not end Europe’s crisis
Eurozone leaders held a summit last week that was important, but not for the reasons you might think. What has been decided will change the future of Europe. The banking union is a tool so powerful that it could unite the core of the EU. ...Një Europë për botën
Pikërisht këtu, Europa ka për t’i ofruar diçka botës. Ajo është ende lidere në inovacione institucionale – një prej nevojave më të mëdha të këtij shekulli – dhe është shembulli më i mirë dhe më i suksesshëm historik i kësaj, siç dhe vërteton çmimi Nobel i Paqes dhënë sivjet asaj....Scientists read dreams
Brain scans during sleep can decode visual content of dreams.The researchers woke the participants whenever they detected the pattern of brain waves associated with sleep onset, asked them what they had just dreamed about, and then asked them to go back to sleep....Projekti për paqe, emancipim dhe mirëqenie
Bashkimi Europian po ballafaqohet me krizën më të madhe që nga themelimi. Me përjashtim të rolit të mjerueshëm në procesin e shpërbërjes së Jugosllavisë BE ka arritur të sigurojë paqe dhe mirëqenie në kontinentin e vjetër – qe 60 vjet! Ky bilanc nuk mund të jetë ndryshe përveç se pozitiv. ...Britain's double-dip recession is over
The double-dip recession will be officially declared over this week when the Office for National Statistics reveals that the economy grew by around 0.7pc in the months to September. ...'Mo Yan Has Long Since Sided with Beijing'
Beijing is elated, but critics are questioning whether the Swedish Academy sent the right message to China's regime by awarding apolitical writer Mo Yan this year's Nobel Prize in literature. German editorialists on Friday acknowledge his talent, but urge a continued focus on human rights....Democracy itself is at stake in southern Europe
But now in southern Europe, violence is returning as a direct consequence of the austerity programmes that are touted as the price of continued eurozone membership. What is at stake is not just membership of a monetary union; it is the nature and future of democracy itself. ...UK universities slip in rankings
The latest table shows that the UK has three universities in the top 10, with Oxford taking second place, up from fourth last year. Cambridge was in seventh place, down one from sixth last year, while Imperial College London took eighth place, the same as in 2011....Julian Assange: Bail cash decision delayed
Swedish prosecutors, meanwhile, have dismissed Mr Assange's claims that their case is part of a wider political move to see him stand trial in the US over his work with Wikileaks....My old school chum isn’t PM material
The Tory strategists say it is all about his look, his manner, a certain teenage gawkiness compared to Dave’s look of Regency confidence; and that is certainly borne out by the polls. Dave wins big on who the voters both want to be PM – and, crucially, who they think will be PM. ...British workers 'most depressed in Europe'
British workers are the most depressed in Europe, according to a report that claims a quarter of employees here have been diagnosed with the affliction. ...Author info