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Presidenti gjerman jep dorëheqjen
Opozita e kritikoi zotin Këhler pas komenteve gjatë një vizite të kohëve të fundit në Afganistan se Gjermanisë,
Gaza blockade harming citizens
Measures imposed in June 2007 to hold Hamas accountable for rocket attacks have crippled Gazan economy. ...Russia: 25 years after Perestroika
The challenges Dmitry Medvedev faces today resemble those Mikhail Gorbachev faced 25 years ago. Like Mr. Gorbachev, he too should steer a careful course. ...Federer cruises; Petrova ousts Venus
Federer was barely troubled by his compatriot, easing to a fifth career win in six clashes in five minutes short of two hours....Të joshur nga miti për vetveten
Pra, edhe një politikan, si çdo profesionist tjetër, mund të dështojë dhe, shkaku i përgjegjësisë që ndjen, të tërhiqet nga pozita ku është....Centre-right ahead in Czech election
Czech voters have been split between leftist promises to ward off economic crisis and right-wing warnings that the policies of their opponents would lead to bankruptcy....Oxford essay tradition comes to this: ‘death'
For a number of years, the one-word essay question has not proved to be a very valuable way of providing insight into the merits of the candidates....Grykësia, paturpësia, imoraliteti dhe realiteti!
Duhet ta pranoni se jemi strategë të përkryer! Për të vjedhur! Pozitë, opozitë, shoqëri civile, komandantë të luftës dhe asi të Bllacës, UNMIK, EULESH, New Europians, Old asiatics and Africans......Ginger eases aches and pains
Eating ginger can help ease muscle pain caused by heavy exercise, says a latest research. ...Resolve the Korean crisis
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in Seoul after talks in Beijing, has called on the rest of the world to respond....PM Cameron moves into Downing Street
The Camerons will live in the second floor flat of Number 10 Downing Street, the historic offices of the British prime minister, while work is carried out at Number 11 which, because it is bigger, will eventually be their home....Honey, we shrunk the bees!
The buzz from cell phones leads to a reduction in colony size....Raporti, AI:Në Shqipëri, problem dhuna në familje
Më herët, organizata e të drejtave të njeriut, Amnesty International i ka bëri thirrje autoriteteve të Shqipërisë të marrin masa të mëtejshme për mbrojtjen e grave nga dhuna në familje....‘Top kill' success reported
Under rapidly mounting political pressure, the President was poised to announce extension of a moratorium on deep-water offshore drilling for a further six months, according to reports that quoted the White House....Shteti demokratik i njëmendësisë!
Edhe pas njëzet viteve pluralizëm, në Maqedoni ka burgosje dhe arratisje me motive politike. Ka të burgosur që po kalben prapa grilave të burgjeve, politikisht të motivuara....State elections, wider effects
The Chancellor's political allies may criticise her for excessive pre-election caution, but the blockages their main policies now face are only part of the issue. ...More U.S. troops in Afghanistan than Iraq
There are now 94,000 troops in Afghanistan against 92,000 in Iraq, said the Pentagon....Reflections on my country's 200th birthday
Argentina glories in its achievements as a democracy in the economic sphere and reiterates its commitment to human rights and international law. ...Pushteti i fjalëve
Por, pa dashje lind pyetja: Këta zëra, përderisa deklaratat dhe shkrimet e tyre i mbështesin në “fakte”, kanë bërë diçka më shumë përveçse retorikës politike që bëjnë?...Thai film wins Palme d'Or
Thai film "Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives" has won the coveted Palme d'Or for best picture at the Cannes film festival. ...Zvicër, një kapsulë për dixhitalizimin e informacionit
"Informacioni dixhital na ve përballë problemesh që janë krejt të reja. Një problem është vjetërimi i shpejtë i mjeteve të regjistrimit, siç janë kompjuterat.”...French Open on STAR Sports
STAR Sports will telecast live the French Open tennis championship from May 23 to June 6....I'm a Marxist, says Dalai Lama
Marxism has “moral ethics, whereas capitalism is only how to make profits,” said the Dalai Lama (74) on Thursday....Venus probe launched
Japan's first Venus probe is a box-shaped golden satellite, fitted with two paddle-shaped solar panels, that is set to arrive at Venus in about six months....Bordeaux comes of age
There's never been a better time to visit Bordeaux, the French wine capital, which has shed its drab image thanks to a dramatic makeover. ...Keeping online criminals at bay
The right tools and a healthy level of suspicion can go a long way in keeping you safe online. ...Krizat si problem lidershipi
Si në Shqipëri, ashtu edhe në Maqedoni dhe Kosovë, opozitat shqiptare reagojnë ndaj gjendjes së krijuar me një gjuhë shumë të ashpër, duke krijuar kudo vatra tensioni....Diplomacy, not sanctions
But the sanctions route makes no sense in this case; it only complicates efforts for a more comprehensive, dialogue-based approach to the problem....New politics or power grab?
Both Mr. Cameron and Mr. Clegg are facing accusations of sacrificing policies at the altar of power....Sharapova posts win
At Strasbourg: Strasbourg Open: Maria Sharapova bt Regina Kulikova 6-3, 3-6, 6-1; Anastasia Rodionova bt Ayumi Morita 2-6, 6-3, 7-5; Vania King bt Elena Vesnina 6-4, 6-1; Alize Cornet bt Chan Yung-Jan 6-3, 6-3....“Të përqafojmë modernen pa humbur identitetin”
Përshëndetja e Nobelistit, Orhan Pamuk, me rastin e marrjes së titullit “Honoris Causa” në Universitetin i Tiranës. ...Western powers keep pressure on Iran
Western diplomats close to the IAEA also said the deal did not remove the case for further U.N. sanctions....Nervozimi i Europës
Si rrallëherë të tjera, Europa dhe institucionet e saj janë në një komunikim intensiv me këtë yrt të shkretë të Ilirisë Perëndimore....Webber wins Monaco Grand Prix
An ecstatic Webber praised his team after taking the chequered flag. Over the team radio, he said: “Unbelievable. Thank you. You deserve every bit of this. The car is fantastic.”...Russians shot Polish crash survivors?
An aviation expert said, "The way this footage has spread on the web means it is essential to get answers on which version of the footage has been altered. ...How to book holiday online
The online payment facility too is offered by all travel sites and most hotels nowadays. However, here make sure the site you make payment on is SSL secured. ...Trilateral meet on Iran
Turkey, Brazil and Iran are set to hold trilateral talks that could help defuse tensions surrounding Iran's nuclear programme....Cuba to host int'l poetry festival
The International Poetry Festival in Havana is registered at the International Federation of International Poetry Festival of UNESCO. ...The Nile River
Herodotus, the great Greek philosopher, wrote of the Nile: "the river rises of itself, waters the fields, and then sinks back again; thereupon each man sows his field and waits for the harvest."...U.S. may designate TTP a terror outfit
A group of five influential Senators meanwhile asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to put the TTP under the bracket of a foreign terrorist organisation....Koha e arsyes
Negocimi është një proces shumë kompleks, i gjatë dhe me të papritura. Është naive të mendohet se zgjidhja nuk mund të jetë një dhuratë e artë që vjen nga një konference shtypi apo podium. ...Eurozone economy grows 0.2% in Q1
The eurozone economy still has a long way to go to make up for the output lost during the recession and the debt problems afflicting a number of economies......Tories win all round
The coalition has decided on a fixed five-year term, a LibDem wish. Both parties have made other concessions....Environmental catastrophe
The catastrophe is also changing the political climate. There is rising public anger against the oil industry and a widespread demand for federal government action....Cameron Is Great Britain's New PM
Sky News sources say George Osborne, long-time friend and colleague of Mr Cameron, will get the job of Chancellor of the Exchequer. It is that Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg will become Deputy Prime Minister. ...Barroso: BE do të mbrojë euron
Banka Qendrore Europiane tha se do ta blejë borxhin e eurozonës. ...BE-ja bie dakord për një fond emergjence
Zyrtarët dhe diplomatët në Bruksel shpresojnë që mekanizmat e stabilitetit do t'i qetësojnë shqetësimin e tregjeve financiare lidhur me pamundësinë në Evropë për të paguar borxhet....Gënjeshtra e Madhe
Të drejtën kushtetuese për të interpretuar Kushtetutën e ka vetëm Gjykata Kushtetuese. Çdo interferim në kompetencat e kësaj gjykate përbën shkelje flagrante të Kushtetutës së Shqipërisë!...Liberal Dem britanik Nick Clegg
Pas paraqitjeve të zotit Clegg në debatet televizive, partia e tij Liberal Demokrate fitoi mbështetje më të madhe në anketat e opinionit publik....British PM Brown to resign
"As leader of my party I must accept that as a judgment on me,'' Brown said, referring to Labour's poor showing in the election. ...Monet’s water lilies, King Richard’s ruins (Normandy)
Giverny is a pilgrimage destination for Monet fans. The artist, who died here in 1926 at the age of 86 and is also buried here, spent more than 40 years in this village in the south-west of Normandy....Euro zone crisis: a global problem?
Political leaders in Germany, France and other countries with stronger economies must show that they have the political will to sustain the unique economic experiment....Add coconut, cut fat
A diet rich in coconut oil keeps fat away and also protects against insulin resistance, a new study shows. ...Tories, Lib Dems “close” to deal
Both sides were reported to be keen to break the deadlock quickly to reassure the markets, jittery over the prospects of a prolonged political uncertainty....VE Day
Victory in Europe (VE) Day was declared on Tuesday 8 May 1945. It marked the formal end of war in Europe....Struga
Since the year of 1961, Struga is a host of the an internationally known festival of poetry known as "Struga Poetry Evenings". ...Intriguing verdict
Britain has had five hung parliaments since the beginning of the 20th century — 1974 was the last — and on each occasion, fresh elections followed within months....Picasso artworks you don't know
Picasso gave the drawings on display to his chauffeur, Monsieur Bresnu and his wife, who served as the artist's confidantes in later life....Wide-open race
Since the last election, public distrust of politicians has deepened, especially after the MPs' expenses scandal, and most voters say they no longer trust any politician....Therapy for depression
The treatment, known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) offers future hope of a non-drug treatment for depression sufferers......One million iPads sold
The level of demand in the U.S. alone, where the iPad launched on April 3, forced Apple to announce it would delay the tablet's international release by a month, until late May....'Compelling' evidence of life on Mars: Nasa
The recent missions have gathered evidence of sulphates on Mars, a strong indication there is water on the planet and, therefore, life....'Green exercise' can boost mental health
"For the first time in the scientific literature, we have been able to show dose-response relationships for the positive effects of nature on human mental health," Pretty said....Justine Henin wins title
At Stuttgart (Porsche Grand Prix): Final: Justine Henin bt Samantha Stosur 6-4, 2-6, 6-1; Semifinals: Samantha Stosur bt Anna Lapushchenkova 7-5, 6-3....Cameron: I’ll give the power back to you
Government is now too big for its boots, writes David Cameron. The Conservatives would give power back to the people and get Britain moving again. ...Gazetarët dhe politikanët – njerëzit në konflikt
Gazetarët, tejkalojnë kufijtë e profesionit, më shpesh se sa që mendohet dhe hyjnë në politikë, i bashkohen ndonjërës nga partitë politike, shtabeve zgjedhore si dhe bëhen pjesë e institucioneve shtetërore. ...Author info