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They seated themselves upon a bench before the door, beneath a blossoming rosebush. After several moments of silence Duroy asked: "Will it be some time before you return to Paris?"
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"In spite of you and of your friends the fiends, and of your master the Devil!" flung out Jan. For Jan had a soul that was generous and brave and tender and excessively short-tempered. Even the best of souls have their failings. ...William becomes Duke of Cambridge
Buckingham Palace said in a statement: "The Queen has today been pleased to confer a Dukedom on Prince William of Wales. His titles will be Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus. ...Garë idesh, jo retorikë ideologjike...!
Patjetër duhet të ndryshojë edhe retorika politike, në atë mënyrë që ka të bëj me hetimin e fenomeneve, proceseve dhe problemeve, të tilla si bruto produkti kombëtarë......Tradition and Revolution
The mind which is crowded with impressions and information about the object, sees. The mind, the brain, the whole structure is never empty. It is full and through this burden it looks....The Cloud
In nearest past, you were storming skies, mighty, And were quite enwind by the powerful lightning... ...Last minute Olympics ticket rush
The money will be taken off consumers' credit cards between May 10 and June 10 this year, but they will not be notified until June 24 for which events they have actually secured tickets....* * *
Mund t'a ndrrojsha krejt jetën t'eme me nji ditë të vetme lumnije që mund të më fali ai, ai që ka në dorë çilsat e Parrizit t'em. ...23 Prilli - Ditë Botërore e Librit
“Botuesit, bibliotekat, lexuesit dhe shitësit e librit, duke afirmuar Ditën Botërore të Librit dhe leximit, do afirmonin paqen dhe edukimin e përhershëm të njerëzimit. Çfarë dite e bukur do të ishte kjo ..! ...The Blue Everywhere
This city, its suburbs, the capitol, the front of the White House, the places of amusement, the Avenue, and all the main streets, swarm with soldiers this winter, more than ever before....The Will
The notary smiled, bowed, and replied pleasantly: "I comprehend the scruples which cause you to hesitate..."...* * *
After a few minutes' reflection, he decided to lay aside that page until the following day, and to write a description of Algiers. ...Krejt rastësisht m’u kujtua
Dikush na ha bukën e fëmijëve tanë për çdo ditë, iu trashen barqet aristrokratike, shëtisin me vetura luksoze ku ne nuk mund t’i shohim ata, veçse ata mund të na shohin neve, nga brenda....Ngërçi i shqiptarëve
Vetnënçmimi është sëmundje e dhimbshme. Duhet vite për t’u shëruar....Freedom And The World
Every luxury known through the earth's wide expanse, In profusion procured was put forth to enhance... ...* * *
Shine like the Sun of Tabriz rising in the East. Shine like the star of victory. Shine like the whole universe is yours! ...Europe is still a mystery to many of us
We admired the landscape and felt wary of the natives....Author info