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Anxiety disorders cost £10 billion a year

More than eight million people in Britain suffer from anxiety disorders caused by the pressures of modern life, costing the country nearly £10 billion a year, according to a new study. 





By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent






Analysis by psychiatrists at the University of Cambridge and the University of Hertfordshire, has shown that around 13% of the UK population suffer from panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders and post-traumatic stress. 


It marks a dramatic increase on previous estimates of the prevalence of anxiety disorders. Research in 2007 by the King's Fund suggested just 2.3 million people suffered. 


The new figures also revealed 5.2 million people suffer from sleep disorders while 3.9 million suffer from depression or other mood disorders. 


These cost the country £4 billion and £16 billion respectively. 


The researchers attribute much of the prevalence of these conditions to changes in modern lifestyles, particularly in urban areas, that have led to more stress and pressure being placed on people. 




Professor Barbara Sahakian, a clinical neuropsychologist at the University of Cambridge who co-authored the study and President of the British Association of Psychopharmacology, said: “Anxiety disorders are now very common and are increasing. 


“While there is more identification of these conditions going on, I think most of this is an increase due to the lifestyle changes that we lead – the pressures of daily life. 


“Sleep disorders are also getting considerably worse. People who have a lot of stress and pressure on them at work typically have problems getting to sleep and once they get to sleep they typically wake up earlier. 


“There is some evidence that the increases are partly to do with the stress of urban life and living around so many people. 


“Urban environments tend to have more mental health disorders and that does suggest that the pressures of that kind of environment will lead to more problems.” 


The figures emerged in a major study to assess the burden that brain disorders place on the UK. They estimate that in total they cost the health service and British economy £112 billion a year. 


The researchers used epidemiological data together with official statistics from around the UK to estimate the prevalence of each condition during 2010. 


They then assessed the annual cost for health care for each condition, along with non-medical costs such as specialist accommodation and social services, and the indirect costs due to absence from work or early retirement. 


By far the greatest financial burden came from dementia, which was found to cost £18.6 billion a year. 


Mood disorders such as depression and bipolar cost around £16 billion a year, while psychotic disorders cost £14 billion a year. Anxiety disorders cost £9.8 billion a year. 


Lost productivity due to these conditions were by far the largest component of the costs of these diseases, accounting for just under half, according to the study, which is published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. 


Professor Naomi Fineberg, a consultant psychiatrist and lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire, who was the lead author of the study, “These costs are probably a gross underestimation as we could not estimate the indirect costs for all of the conditions and there are some that we had no data for at all. 


“We would argue that improvement for available treatment for the five most expensive disorders should be a research priority for the NHS. 


“There is such a large indirect cost of lost productivity due to these conditions, it would imply that investment in better treatment would have scope for reducing the cost longer term.” 


The researchers warn that as the population ages and stress levels continue to rise in work places that make cut backs due to the financial crisis, the burden of dementia and mental illnesses will continue to rise. 


They are calling for the government to place greater emphasis on the prevention, early detection and treatment of these conditions. 


They argue that while cancer costs the country just a third of the sum caused by brain disorders, it receives three times as much funding for research. 


“These conditions have really been the Cinderella of health care,” added Professor Sahakian. “If we can detect these conditions early, then we can intervene with treatment earlier which can be more effective. 


“There needs to be more research to identify new treatments. If we do not do something soon we will be overwhelmed by brain disorders. 


“Given the ageing population the prevalence of brain disorders is likely to increase, adding additional pressure to the NHS and social services. We need to do something now for the future.” 


Iain Anstess, director of operations at the new mental health research charity MQ Transforming Mental Health, said: “With quality research we can develop new treatment and improve the quality of life for everyone. This data really shows the need for that.” 


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