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Things to avoid at interview

When preparing for an interview you should put together a bank of example questions and prepare answers. Here's a list of common interview questions to get you started. 









You've made it this far and bagged an interview. Great. But what do you actually have to say to impress your potential employer? More importantly, what don't you say? Follow these top tips to make the best impression 


It's easy to be nervous at interview and say the wrong thing. Good preparation can help make sure you go in there with a clear focus about what to say and turn the interview to your advantage. 


When preparing for an interview you should put together a bank of example questions and prepare answers. Here's a list of common interview questions to get you started. 


Meanwhile, knowing when to stop talking is key. It's easy to talk yourself into a hole, or say the wrong things, like criticising a previous boss a little too much. The current interviewer will be worried that if you moan about your previous employer too easily, you may also moan about this place if and when you leave. 


For some people an interview can feel so daunting that they’d rather not think about it beforehand but hope that they can wing it on the day. But if you just rely on leaving it to luck you are more likely to be affected by nerves and come across hesitant. However, with some careful planning and thought you can ensure that you present yourself confidently and professionally on the day.



Example interview questions



When preparing for an interview you should put together a bank of example questions and prepare answers.  Here's a list of common interview questions to get you started.


Biographical interview questions

•Tell me about yourself?

•What are you strengths?

•What are you weaknesses?

•What five adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

•Why are you leaving your current job?

•Why have you applied to us?

•What motivates you?

•Where do you see yourself in five years / ten years?

•What is your greatest achievement?

•Do you prefer to work as part of a team or independently?

•We have had applications from a number of highly qualified candidates, why should we hire you?

•If I were to speak to your family / friends / boss, how would they describe you?

•What is your management style?

•What do you enjoy about your current role?

•What do you dislike about your current role?

•What element of this role do you think you would dislike the most?

•What type of boss do you prefer?

•What is your current remuneration?

•What are your salary expectations?

•What is your biggest disappointment?

•What other jobs have you applied for and at what stage in the recruitment process are you at?

•Why did you choose this career?


Competency based interview questions

•These questions will almost always start with 'Give me an example of when you...'

•took a difficult / unpopular decision and how did you deal with this

•disagreed with your boss and what action did you take to address the dispute

•were part of a badly performing team and how did you address this

•demonstrated initiative

•identified and addressed a serious operational / financial problem

•delivered results within a highly pressurised situation

•Stress interview / difficult questions

•You seem a little over qualified?

•You seem a little under qualified?

•This role requires extensive sales experience, but this does seem to be lacking in your CV?

•You have a number of employment gaps in your CV?

•How do you feel this interview is going?

•Some people may consider your attitude to be a little 'cocky' - what would you say to this?

•What is the biggest mistake you have ever made?


Questions that you should ask the interviewer

•Referring to a new technology or competitor advancement and asking how the company are planning to address this?

•Asking how they are dealing with a new regulatory / legislative change?

•How will my performance be monitored?

•What will be expected of me in my first six months / one year?



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