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Tibet is "paradise on earth"

Yestarday, thousands of Tibetan Buddhists celebrated their traditional ghee lamp festival wishing for good luck and happiness in Tibet.

China  reacted strongly to the Dalai Lama’s accusation that it had created “hell on earth” in Tibet, saying his comments were childish and that the Himalayan plateau had become “paradise on earth”.

A report said if the Dalai Lama really wants to do something beneficial for his fellow Tibetans, “he should stop lying, abandon his separatism mentality and show some sincerity in settling the Tibet issue properly”. “This [Tibet] hell on earth is precisely paradise on earth for the ordinary Tibetans. Under no circumstances would these people allow the Dalai Lama to restore the old social strata in their homeland, under the name of the middle way or meaningful autonomy,” said another commentary.

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