Home | Science | Nobel Prize in Physics, 2009

Nobel Prize in Physics, 2009

3 Honored for Inventing Digital Photography's imaging sensor, advancing long-distance Fiber-Optic Transmission.
Three scientists who created the technology behind digital photography and helped link the world through fiber-optic networks shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics, today. 

Charles K. Kao was cited for his breakthrough involving the transmission of light in fiber optics while Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith were honored for inventing an imaging semiconductor circuit known as the CCD sensor. 

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said all three have American citizenship. Kao also holds British citizenship while Boyle is also Canadian. 

The award's 10 million kronor ($1.4 million) purse will be split between the three with Kao taking half and Boyle and Smith each getting a fourth. The three also receive a Diploma and an Invitation to the Prize Ceremonies in Stockholm on December, 10. 

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