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INQ to launch "Twitter phone"

Mobile phone maker INQ is set to release two mobiles that are bound to be a hit with fans of social media, quoted in media reports on Tuesday.

The 3G devices, the larger version of which possess a full qwerty keyboard, will allow users to access a host of applications including Twitter, Facebook and Skype as well as instant messaging and email from Hotmail, Yahoo and Google. The phone will also synch with Apple's iTunes store.

The release marks the latest attempt by Hutchison Whampoa to seize a piece of the competitive mobile market. The Hong Kong-based owner of mobile network 3 say the devices will change the way people use mobile phones. The new phones can also be used as HSDPA modems, thus enabling them to be plugged into a PC or Mac for mobile internet access. The INQ Chat has a 3.2 megapixel camera while the INQ Mini has a 2 megapixel camera.

The phones are expected to ship in September, though there is no word on price at this time.

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