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Facebook to offer Twitter posting to all users?

Facebook's inaugural F8 developers' conference is set to take place 22 September, where the company is set to reveal a number of new features for the site. It is here that we could see Zuckerberg announce its new deal with Twitter.



By Marc Chacksfield



Facebook is looking to roll out its Twitter-linking functionality to all of its users, according to a document sent out to developers and seen by the BBC.

The new functionality will allow any user to use Facebook to post information in their news feed that will appear automatically in their Twitter feed as well.

This is something that can already be done on Facebook, but only with fan pages – although there are a number of third-party apps out there that also allow you to link up Facebook posts with Twitter.

Life's tweet for Facebook
The news of this proposed link-up comes just a week after Facebook announced some very Twitter-like functionality.

The arrival of the Facebook Subscribe button means you can now subscribe to a Facebook profile that you are not friends with – just like Twitter's social-networking model – and this will give you access to their news feed.

Facebook's inaugural F8 developers' conference is set to take place 22 September, where the company is set to reveal a number of new features for the site. It is here that we could see Zuckerberg announce its new deal with Twitter.

If this is the case, it will re-ignite privacy issues surrounding the social network; although for the Twitter link-up to work it is thought you will need to set your profile to Public. Via the BBC


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