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Winter of poetry

You are scattering dust on snow
the beak of a cloud cuts the writhing 







By Kadir Aydemir




Kadir Aydemir was born in 1977 in Kars (Turkey), Ardahan and studied business administration and public relations. From 1997 to 2003 he was the editor of Baska (Other) poetry magazine and since 2000 he has been the editor of the web site www.yitikulke.com. He is the publisher of Haikum, Turkey's first haiku magazine, and the founder of the publishing house Yitik Ülke (Lostland). His collections of poetry and prose include Sessizligin Bekçisi (Gatekeeper of Silence / 2002); Dikenler Sarayi(Palace of Thorns / 2003), Gölü Emen Mektup (Letter Sucking the Lake / 2005), Asksiz Gölgeler(Loveless Shadows / 2007), and Rüzgârla Sakli (Hidden in the Wind / 2007). 


Winter of Poetry


Translated by Gokçenur Celebioglu 

You are scattering dust on snow
the beak of a cloud cuts the writhing 
Think of all that happens
Understand the stalactite that is angry with the sun
Your Father is drunk, there is a coal truck in front of the house
Understand, your tears won't melt this snow. 


Come on, wake up

Translated by Tozan Alkan 

I am looking at your photo 
Your naked shadow
is a fluttering butterfly on the ground 

The first night I woke up with you 
The rain had started to speak 
I had smelled your body 

My flower of sleep,
As you combed your hair 
I thought of flightless sparrows 

Where now 
Is your little mirror 
That makes us forget everything?

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