Home | Literature | The Rubaiyat

The Rubaiyat

Suddenly in my bosom
 A star shone clear and bright;
 All the suns of heaven
 Vanished in that star’s light.

By Rumi

Time bringeth swift to end
 The rout men keep;
 Death’s wolf is nigh to rend
 These silly sheep.
See, how in pride they go
 With lifted head,
 Till Fate with a sudden blow
 Smiteth them dead.
Thou who lovest, life a crow,
 Winter’s chill and winter’s snow,
 Ever exiled from the vale’s
 Roses red, and nightingales:
Take this moment to thy heart!
 When the moment shall depart,
 Long thou ‘lt seek it as it flies
 With a hundred lamps and eyes.
The heavenly rider passed;
 The dust rose in the air;
 He sped; but the dust he cast
 Yet hangeth there.
Straight forward thy vision be,
 And gaze not left or night;
 His dust is here, and he
 In the Infinite.
Who was he that said
 The immortal spirit is dead,
 Or how dared he say
 Hope’s sun hath passed away?
An enemy of the sun,
 Standing his roof upon,
 Bound up both his eyes
 And cried: ‘Lo, the sun dies!’
‘Who lifteth up the spirit,
 Say, who is he?’
 ‘Who gave in the beginning
 This life to me.
Who hoodeth, life a falcon’s,
 Awhile mine eyes,
 But presently shall loose me
 To hunt my prize.’
As salt resolved in the ocean
 I was swallowed in God’s sea,
 Past faith, past unbelieving,
 Past doubt, past certainty.
Suddenly in my bosom
 A star shone clear and bright;
 All the suns of heaven
 Vanished in that star’s light.
Flowers every night
 Blossom in the sky;
 Peace in the Infinite;
 At peace am I.
Sighs a hundredfold
 From my heart arise;
 My heart, dark and cold,
 Flames with my sighs.
He that is my souls’ repose
 Round my heart encircling goes,
 Round my heart and soul of bliss
 He encircling is.
Laughing from my earthy bed
 Like a tree I lift my head,
 For the Fount of Living mirth
 Washes round my earth.

The breeze of the morn
 Scatters musk in its train,
 Fragrance borne
 From my fair love’s lane.
Ere the world wastes,
 Sleep no more: arise!
 The caravan hastes,
 The sweet scent dies.

If life be gone, fresh life to you
 God offereth,
 A life eternal to renew
 This life of death.
The Fount of Immorality
 In Love is found;
 The come, and in this boundless sea
 Of Love be drowned.

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