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Ithypallic, erkish, lewd,
 Their gibes have corrupted it.

Arthur Rimbaud

For a whole week I had ripped up my boots
 On the stones of the roads. I walked into Charleroi;
 Into the Green Inn: I asked for some slices
 Of bread and butter, and some half-cooled ham.

Happy, I stuck out my legs under the green
 table: I studied the artless patterns of the
 Wallpaper - and it was charming when the girl
 With the huge breasts and lively eyes,

- A kiss wouldn't scare that one! -
Smilingly brought me some bread and butter
 And lukewarm ham, on a coloured plate; -

Pink and white ham, scented with a clove of garlic -
 And filled my huge beer mug, whose froth was turned
 Into gold by a ray of late sunshine.

The Cheated Heart

My poor heart dribbles at the stern
 My heart covered with caporal
 They squirt upon it jets of soup
 My poor heart dribbles at the stern
 Under the gibes of the whole crew
 Which burst out in a single laugh,
 My poor heart dribbles at the stern
 My heart covered with caporal.

Ithypallic, erkish, lewd,
 Their gibes have corrupted it.
 In the wheelhouse you can see graffiti*
 Ithypallic, erkish, lewd.
 O abracadantic waves
 Take my heart that it may be cleansed!
 Ithypallic, erkish, lewd,
 Their gibes have corrupted it.

When they have finished chewing their quids
 What shall we do, o cheated heart?
 It will be bacchic hiccups then
 When they have finished chewing their quids
 I shall have stomach heavings then
 I can swallow down my heart:
 When they have finished chewing their quids
 What shall we do, o cheated heart?

May 1871.

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