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Now, As You Awaken…

Did you dance with young angels...



By Mahmoud Darwish



Now, as you awaken, remember the swan's

last dance. Did you dance with young angels

while you were dreaming? Did the butterfly

light you up when it burned with the eternal

light of the rose? Did the phoenix appear clearly

before you and call you by your name?

Did you see the morning dawn from the fingers

of the one you love? Did you touch

the dream with your hand or did you

leave it to dream alone, aware suddenly

of your own absence? Dreamers don't abandon

their dreams, they flare and continue

the life they have in the dream…tell me

how you lived your dream in a certain place

and I'll tell you who you are. And now,

as you awaken, remember if you have wronged

your dream. And if you have, then remember

the last dance of the swan.



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