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Go shopping to lose weight!

Want to shed those extra pounds? Well, then forget gym and go shopping, suggests a new research. 





The survey of 3,000 women showed that the average woman burns off 48,000 calories a year trudging round the shops.

According to the research, conducted by the makers of Skinny Cow low-fat desserts, women make up to 132 shopping trips a year, using up about five calories a minute pounding the high street or racing down the supermarket aisles. That’s the equivalent of 25 days’ worth of food.

“With the festive celebrations over, women are looking for the perfect fitness regime for the New Year," the Daily Express quoted a spokeswoman as saying.

She added: “We all know women love to shop so what better way to get into shape than to exercise at the January sales?”

In the survey, seven out of 10 women admitted feeling exhausted after a shopping trip. And over half said they felt more tired than they were after a workout in the gym.  ANI 

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