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The trouble with read messages on WhatsApp is that they are immediately marked with tiny blue ticks that let the sender know that they’ve been seen.






Here’s How To Read A WhatsApp Message Without The Sender Knowing



The trouble with read messages on WhatsApp is that they are immediately marked with tiny blue ticks that let the sender know that they’ve been seen.

That’s great, unless the person receiving the message isn’t ready to reply straight away and doesn’t want the sender to know that they’re (temporarily) ignoring them.

To avoid any accusations of a snub, there’s a sneaky trick to avoid this so that WhatsApp users can read their messages when they’re good and ready with no fear of a social backlash.

All users need to do when they want to secretly read a WhatsApp message is to avoid opening it straight away and instead turn on Airplane Mode in their smartphone settings.

Once this is turned on, they can head back to WhatsApp and read the message without the little blue ticks appearing.



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After the message has been read, the WhatsApp should be closed fully and the Airplane Mode turned back off in the settings, leaving the sender blissfully unaware that their message has been read.

Kompania Samsung pritet që këtë fundviti të sjellë pajisjen e saj të parë me ekran që paloset, një lloj telefoni, i cili do të transformohet në një tablet kur shpaloset, më vonë këtë vit.   Përderisa ky parashikim nuk bazohet në ndonjë burim të brendshëm këtë herë, kjo pajisje e së ardhmes telefon-në-tabletë e Samsungut ka qenë qëllimi kryesor i kompanisë.   Ndërkohë, Samsung është duke planifikuar të lançojë telefonat e parë me ekran të palosshëm në vitin 2018, por së fundmi është përfolur se ky lloj telefoni do të lançohet në vitin 2017. Tani thuhet se Samsung ndoshta mund të nxitojë pak duke e lançuar këtë pajisje në fund të këtij viti.


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WhatSim SIM card allows global WhatsApp messaging


By Sneha Bokil on January 22, 2015


WhatSim, a SIM card that lets users access the popular mobile-messaging service WhatsApp all over the world has been launched. The SIM card will allow users to connect WhatsApp to any of 400 operators in 150 countries.

Priced at 10 Euros with no monthly payments or expiration, WhatsApp SIM automatically switches between a total of 400 carriers. WhatSim is a service of the Italian virtual network operator Zeromobile, founded by the Italian telecom entrepreneur Manuel Zanella. It works similar to WhatsApp for sending messages. However, if you want to use more advanced features like sending pictures or video, recording voice messages or sharing your location or contacts, you will have to pay more.


“WhatsApp is the future of mobile communications. Its only “limit” is the data connection especially when you are traveling because the roaming charges are expensive and you can’t always find Wi-Fi everywhere and it is not always free. As someone who appreciates and uses WhatsApp, I tried to figure out how to get around this problem. That’s why WhatSim is an extraordinary opportunity for WhatsApp.”


Users will have to buy “recharges” that gives you different allotments of pictures or videos and the charges vary based on what country you are in. WhatSim is available to buy via the WhatSim website, with the company also planning to make it available via “network of local distributors in over 100 countries.”

WhatSim looks like a great option for frequent travellers as it will save their data connection charges on roaming as well as a WiFi connection. Earlier this month, WhatsApp crossed 700 million monthly users.

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