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Handwriting, new tool...

"Handwriting analysis could eventually complement other lie detection methods and would add a new dimension because...





JERUSALEM: Scientists in Israel have discovered a new way to catch liars — by analysing their handwriting. Researchers at Haifa University said that  physical properties of handwriting can tell whether the writer is dishonest.

"Handwriting analysis could eventually complement other lie detection methods and would add a new dimension because, unlike almost all other techniques, it doesn’t rely on verbal communication," said lead author Gil Luria.

"This study adds writing with large strokes and applying high pressure on paper to the list of telltale signs that someone might be lying," Luria added.

The researchers could tell whether or not students were writing the truth by analysing these physical properties of their handwriting, the Scientific American reported.

"Lying requires more cognitive resources than being truthful. You need to invent a story, make sure not to contradict yourself," Luria added.

"Any task done simultaneously, therefore, becomes less automatic. Tabletop pressure sensors showed this effect in the students’ handwriting, which became more belaboured when they fibbed", she said.

The investigators say they need to validate this initial result and compare the technique with polygraphs and other lie detection tools. But perhaps in the future even a written claim of innocence could turn out to be a de facto confession. PTI

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