Home | Business | iPhone 5 to be 'thinnest ever at 7.6mm'

iPhone 5 to be 'thinnest ever at 7.6mm'

The phone will be 123.83 mm high, the site claims, tallying with months of hints on the rumour mill that Apple will opt for a taller, but slimmer form factor this time around. 










The next-generation iPhone will be the thinnest so far, reports suggest, chiming with earlier leaks from the iSupply chain.


According to Chinese newspaper Apple Daily, which claims to have sourced and measured enclosures for the iPhone 5, the handset will come in at just 7.6mm thick. That’s just shy of 20 per cent slimmer than the iPhone 4S, which measures 9.3mm.


The phone will be 123.83 mm high, the site claims, tallying with months of hints on the rumour mill that Apple will opt for a taller, but slimmer form factor this time around. 


Apple Daily also corroborates suggestions that the sixth-gen iPhone will ditch the 3.5-inch display that’s been a fixture since the first iteration in favour of a four-inch screen, bringing it more in line with its Android rivals.


Purportedly set to debut in September or October, the iPhone 5’s putative spec sheet takes in a smaller dock connector, a quad-core processor on a par with those that feature in the recent crop of superphones running Google’s OS and an improved eight-megapixel camera.






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