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But this attempt succeeded no more than its predecessor: as he half stood, half bent before this landlady of a fifth-rate café, a tardy pink crept up his white face and painted the skin over his cheek-bones; his eyelids fluttered, and his mouth worked. The man was hungry.
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Thus, the author's approach in L'Automne a Pekin is honest and full of integrity. There is no deprecation of or recoil from truth, and we are made to exit tremulously out of our own closed world of insignificant solitude in togetherness, and to step, with care and hesitation, into that universe discreetly poised between the tropical sky and tropical sand of an Exopotamie which......The beauty of the heart
Out of your love the fire of youth will rise. In the chest, visions of the soul will rise. If you are going to kill me, kill me, it is alright......* * *
Then they began songs, showed off tricks, raised heavy weights, performed feats with their fingers, then tried lifting carts on their shoulders, made broad jokes, kissed the women. At night when they left, the horses, stuffed up to the nostrils with oats, could hardly be got into the shafts......* * *
The white moon takes the sea away from the sea and gives it back to the sea. Beautiful, conquering by means of the pure and tranquil, the moon compels the truth to delude itself......Pritja
Zotëri, do të doja t’ju ngarkoj me misionin më delikat, më të vështirë dhe më të gjatë që mund të jetë. Ju lutem, njihuni pak me testamentin tim, aty, mbi atë tavolinën. Si shpërblim, ju kam lënë një shumë prej pesëmijë frangash, nëse nuk ia dilni mbanë dhe njëqindmijë në rast të kundërt. Duhet gjetur patjetër im bir, por pasi të vdes.”...Author info