Klosi: Klosi News The scent that’s pricier than gold ================================================================================ klosi on 28 April, 2018 15:04:00 “Agarwood was always an expensive timber,”... Hope Locally, Hate Globally ================================================================================ klosi on 27 April, 2018 23:32:00 Max Roser : “local optimism and national pessimism.” What explains it? * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 26 April, 2018 20:45:00 Donald Tusk viziton Tiranën ================================================================================ klosi on 25 April, 2018 03:55:00 “Jeni më evropianë ju këtu se disa evropianë të BE-së”, tha Tusk... Sonnet Lx ================================================================================ klosi on 23 April, 2018 15:54:00 And all those beauties whereof now he's king Are vanishing or vanish'd out of sight, Stealing away the treasure of his spring... The Courage to Be Yourself: E.E. Cummings on Art, Life, and Being Unafraid to Feel ================================================================================ klosi on 22 April, 2018 20:09:00 To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else..." Shqiptarët dhe shteti ligjor ================================================================================ klosi on 22 April, 2018 15:56:00 Shqiptarët kanë më tepër nevojë se çdo popull tjetër për SHTET LIGJOR... Crisis, Rinse, Repeat ================================================================================ klosi on 21 April, 2018 01:34:00 Later this century, when economic historians compare the “Great Recession” that started in 2007 with the Great Depression that started in 1929... Simone Weil on Attention and Grace ================================================================================ klosi on 14 April, 2018 00:32:00 “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” Facebook and the Future of Online Privacy ================================================================================ klosi on 13 April, 2018 18:23:00 Personal data markets have thrived on the idea that personal data might be the ‘new oil’ of the digital economy ... Uemura Shoen (1875-1949 ) ================================================================================ klosi on 13 April, 2018 00:01:00 Shoen Uemura was born in Kyoto on April 23, 1875. She had a strong interest in "Bijinga" drawings (images portraying the beauty of women) over her entire lifetime... Andaluzia ose Esperidët ================================================================================ klosi on 12 April, 2018 23:17:00 Arkitekturë spektakolare, festivale të gjalla dhe ... Cikël poetik nga Pranvera Gjoni ================================================================================ klosi on 12 April, 2018 22:50:00 Heshtim, heshtim pambarim, si mumje të ballsamosura shekujsh... Illicit Love Letters: Albert Camus and Maria Casares ================================================================================ klosi on 11 April, 2018 18:35:00 The romance of Camus and Casares is richer, if not sadder, when considered alongside the narratives of each of ... Kosovës ================================================================================ klosi on 10 April, 2018 19:12:00 Kosovë, o vendi i famshëm i trimniis Kosovë, o lule e bukur e Shqipniis Ti bjeshkat plot viollca reth i ke... Rrënimi i sistemit arsimor dhe shkollës shqipe i rrezikon themelet e shtetit dhe identitetin kombëtar ================================================================================ klosi on 10 April, 2018 18:57:00 Sistemi arsimor dhe shkolla shqipe duhet të kthehet në fokusin, interesimin dhe kujdesin e institucioneve më të larta të shtetit, me program të qartë... The Scientific Paper Is Obsolete ================================================================================ klosi on 08 April, 2018 20:59:00 Scientific methods evolve now at the speed of software; the skill most in demand among physicists... Fragment nga "Historia e Shqipërisë " ================================================================================ klosi on 08 April, 2018 20:44:00 Pellazgët ishin shumë të lashtë për Grekët, më të lashtët, të cilët përbënin një racë mitike, si Titanët... Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) ================================================================================ klosi on 07 April, 2018 12:53:00 Chilean educator, cultural minister, diplomat, and poet, first Latin American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature (1945) Cikël poetik nga Shkëlqim Çela ================================================================================ klosi on 05 April, 2018 20:11:00 Atdheu vjen si mundësi e së shkuarës, Pamundësi e së tashmes Që është mundësi të ardhmesh të pamundura. The Sacrifice ================================================================================ klosi on 04 April, 2018 23:05:00 Nature was organized in a less charitable and intelligent fashion... Young Japanese are surprisingly content ================================================================================ klosi on 04 April, 2018 20:26:00 They are less so when they think about the future... Analfabetizmi i Rutinës Çdoditëse ================================================================================ klosi on 04 April, 2018 19:48:00 Majat do të zbresin malet-për të të adhuruar, Detet do t’i kapërcejnë brigjet-të të gjunjrohen në lojra tajfunesh... Manifesto on algorithmic humanitarianism ================================================================================ klosi on 04 April, 2018 13:24:00 The nature of machine learning operations mean they will actually deepen some humanitarian problematics and introduce new ones New ways to trade data ================================================================================ klosi on 03 April, 2018 15:45:00 Securing data networks... Breaking the Brexit Stalemate ================================================================================ klosi on 02 April, 2018 22:53:00 The United Kingdom is now halfway through the formal process of withdrawing from the European Union... Freedom From the Known ================================================================================ klosi on 02 April, 2018 22:37:00 Fear is one of the greatest problems in life. A mind that is caught in fear lives in confusion, in conflict... Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) ================================================================================ klosi on 02 April, 2018 21:17:00 Giacomo Casanova was born in Venice... Cikël poetik nga Eliverta Kanina ================================================================================ klosi on 02 April, 2018 18:42:00 Mos më ngri përmendore se s’më duhet Veç një pemë ku fëshfërijnë ca gjethe... L'Amour Par Terre ================================================================================ klosi on 02 April, 2018 17:36:00 See, blossoms, branches, fruit, leaves I have brought, And then my heart that for you only sighs... Te pragu i Normales ================================================================================ klosi on 02 April, 2018 15:23:00 Pragjet Shqiptare u zbukuruan me dritën hyjnore, Normale... Rruga e Kombit, pagesa! ================================================================================ klosi on 02 April, 2018 14:52:00 Kur rruga është ndërtuar me paratë e popullit, nuk ka pagesë.