Klosi: Klosi News Brexit and the Future of Europe ================================================================================ klosi on 31 August, 2016 19:50:00 Let’s start with the only certainties: the Brexit negotiations will be long, complex, and acrimonious, and the divorce will have far-reaching geopolitical effects. The immediate impact is a halt to 60 years of integration momentum. Europe will suffer in the short and medium term as well... Firmoset projekti TAP ================================================================================ klosi on 31 August, 2016 19:22:00 TAP-i do të transportojë gaz natyror nga fusha gjigante e Shah Denizit II, në Azerbajxhan, në Evropë. Tubacioni, i gjatë 878 km, do të lidhet me Gazsjellësin Trans Anatolian (TANAP) në kufirin turko-grek në Kipoi, duke kaluar përmes Greqisë dhe Shqipërisë dhe Detit Adriatik... Taming the Populists ================================================================================ klosi on 26 August, 2016 13:20:00 In many Western democracies, right-wing populists, energized by self-proclaimed victories over “establishment elites,” are doubling down on the claim that globalization lies at the root of many citizens’ problems. For those whose living standards have stagnated or declined in recent decades... The Globalization Disconnect ================================================================================ klosi on 17 August, 2016 22:32:00 The design of more enlightened policies must account for the powerful pressures now bearing down on a much broader array of workers. The hyper-speed of Globalization 2.0 suggests the need for quicker triggers and wider coverage for worker retraining, relocation allowances, job-search assistance... Populism, Past and Present ================================================================================ klosi on 17 August, 2016 22:19:00 In Europe, this has meant blaming the EU for everything that goes wrong. Addressing the complex roots of current economic and social challenges – the UK and France, for example, suffer substantially from hereditary privilege and frozen class systems ... The New Bilingualism ================================================================================ klosi on 05 August, 2016 22:09:00 Whereas in the Civil Rights Era, bilingual education was often framed as a political struggle for the Latino community, “now it’s … most often framed as something that’s good for all children—something that can help people get jobs as part of the global economy.” From War to Work ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2016 20:03:00 When it comes to employment, that means designing programs that reflect how people actually spend their working lives, as well as addressing the real grievances generating tensions. Otherwise, they risk allowing, if not encouraging, a relapse into organized violence. How to End Hunger ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2016 19:59:00 Poverty and hunger are intimately connected, which is why the SDGs target elimination of both. For someone living at the World Bank’s poverty line of $1.90 per day, food would account for some 50-70% of income. The Bank estimates that almost four-fifths of the world’s poor live in rural areas... Europe’s Brexit Hangover ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2016 19:52:00 The eurozone and the EU are unlikely to disintegrate suddenly. Many of the risks they face are on a slow fuse. And disintegration can of course be avoided by a political vision that balances the need for greater integration with the desire for some degree of national autonomy and sovereignty over a range of issues. Dr. Arben Taravari ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2016 17:24:00 Dr. Arben Taravari është Përgjegjës i Bordit në Klinikën Universitare të Neurologjisë – Departamenti për Sëmundjet Ekstrapiramidale – Shkup. Njëkohësisht është Asistent hulumtimi për Neurologji në Fakultetin e Shkencave Mjekësorë në Universitetin « Shën Kirili dhe Metodi » – Shkup.