Klosi: Klosi News The Brexit Conspiracy ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2016 19:41:00 Today, far from championing Europe’s right to live, the UK is putting it at risk. And, in doing so, it is putting its own economy in greater danger than any time since the end of World War II. As the continent faces the most difficult challenges it has seen in more than a generation... Conscience in the datasphere ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2016 19:14:00 Hobbes’s bargain appears to be unravelling. In truth, we don’t know who is supposed to protect us from whom. The Politics of Anger ================================================================================ klosi on 10 March, 2016 21:25:00 Still, the conflicts between a hyper-globalized economy and social cohesion are real, and mainstream political elites ignore them at their peril. As I argued in my 1997 book Has Globalization Gone Too Far?, the internationalization of markets for goods, services... The Referendum Charade ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2016 17:28:00 Referendums are an example of what is known as “direct democracy.” The voice of the people (or rather, the People) is not heard through their elected representatives in government, but directly through plebiscites. The puzzle of EU referendums ================================================================================ klosi on 07 March, 2016 10:21:00 Previous referendums on European Union treaties contain many lessons and insights into the upcoming referendum in the UK. What are the economic consequences of Brexit? ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2016 16:34:00 Many in the Leave campaign counter that economists tend to favour Britain remaining as an EU member because they are naturally in favour of deeper trading relationships with other countries. Is Europe Worth the Effort? ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2016 16:14:00 In Europe, preferences today are arguably much less dissimilar than they were a few decades ago. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former French President François Mitterrand were much further apart ideologically than their current successors. Johnson attacks EU deal on sovereignty ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2016 14:35:00 EU reforms on UK sovereignty are "not achievable" and the government has not delivered "fundamental change", Boris Johnson has said. Jeton Kelmendi pranohet anëtar i rregullt i Akademisë së Shkencave dhe Arteve të Europës ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2016 14:13:00 Shkrimtari i njohur shqiptar Jeton Kelmendi, është pranuar anëtar i rregullt i Akademisë së Shkencave dhe Arteve të Europës, në Salsburg. Ionitch ================================================================================ klosi on 05 March, 2016 17:34:00 All flocked round her, congratulated her, expressed astonishment, declared that it was long since they had heard such music, and she listened in silence with a faint smile, and her whole figure was expressive of triumph. Pragmatism or Perdition ================================================================================ klosi on 01 March, 2016 11:30:00 The real-world purpose of an ideology is not to provide understanding, but to offer its adherents a sense of certainty as they navigate a complex world. An ideology becomes successful not by suggesting policies that work, but by helping people feel comfortable, happy, and sure of what they are doing.