Klosi: Klosi News UK law introduces life sentence for cybercriminals ================================================================================ klosi on 06 June, 2014 18:23:00 The Computer Misuse Act 1990 is to be amended to make sure that hackers that launch serious attacks, such as those on critical infrastructure, could face life imprisonment. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 06 June, 2014 17:51:00 Birmingham academic injects new life in to civil society in Albania ================================================================================ klosi on 06 June, 2014 17:10:00 Dibra comprises of a western part in Albania and an eastern part in Macedonia (FYROM), with a total population exceeding 200,000. Access from Albania’s capital Tirana to Dibra currently takes around six hours along a 180km poorly maintained road. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 03 June, 2014 09:18:00 Fyle sërish në Tiranë ================================================================================ klosi on 03 June, 2014 09:15:00 Komisioneri Fyle do zhvillojë takim dhe me përfaqësues të shoqërisë civile, ndërsa më vonë pritet dhe konferencë shtypi. Lajmi bëhet i ditur nga zëdhënësi i KE, Peter Stano. Queen's Speech: What to expect ================================================================================ klosi on 03 June, 2014 08:47:00 Tomorrow’s Queen’s Speech will set out the laws to be passed in the final term of this parliament, before next May’s general election. It is expected to be a relatively slim package of Bills... US proposes $1bn for Europe security ================================================================================ klosi on 03 June, 2014 08:40:00 President Barack Obama has announced plans for a $1bn (£600m) fund to increase US military deployments to Europe, during a visit to Poland. Computer Virus: How To Protect Yourself ================================================================================ klosi on 03 June, 2014 08:25:00 Computer users have been warned to protect themselves from a new computer virus which could hold their PC to ransom - or even drain their bank accounts. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 03 June, 2014 08:16:00 Bashkimi Europian shtyn Raportin për statusin e Shqipërisë për javën që vjen. Mos ndoshta ende presin për arrestimet e ministrave dhe zyrtarëve të lartë?! Tories to launch devolution plans ================================================================================ klosi on 02 June, 2014 05:43:00 The party is preparing to launch its plans for further devolution if Scotland votes "No" in the referendum. Tony Blair to call for EU reforms ================================================================================ klosi on 02 June, 2014 05:26:00 In a keynote speech to the CBI, he is due to say: "The victories of Ukip in the UK and the National Front in France and the election of parties across the continent on explicitly 'anti-the-status-quo in Europe' platforms signify something. They cannot be ignored. 3 - 8 Qershor, Panairi i Librit Prishtinë ================================================================================ klosi on 02 June, 2014 05:13:00 Panairi i 16-të i Librit do të mbahet nga 3 - 8 Qershor 2014, në ambientet e Pallatit të Rinisë, organizuar nga Shoqata e Botuesve të Kosovës.