Klosi: Klosi News British students lag behind Chinese ================================================================================ klosi on 31 August, 2013 12:17:00 Britain is producing significantly fewer “academic all-rounders” than many other countries in a move that risks damaging the nation’s economic growth, it emerged today. Obama: Armët kimike, kërcënim për botën ================================================================================ klosi on 31 August, 2013 12:10:00 Obama ka përdorur tone të ashpra teksa theksoi se sulmet kimike në Siri janë një kërcënim për sigurinë kombëtare amerikane dhe gjithë botën pasi sipas tij është e pafalshme që të vdesin fëmijë. Presidenti Obama tha se Shtetet e Bashkuara nuk po shqyrtojnë dërgimin e trupave tokësore. Për pak qytetërim ================================================================================ klosi on 30 August, 2013 18:56:00 Pos absurdeve të zakonshme të qeveritarëve pa të cilat nuk kalon asnjë javë, kësaj radhe u dalluan një organizim qytetar, një puç fetar dhe një fjalosje sportive Seamus Heaney (1939-2013) ================================================================================ klosi on 30 August, 2013 18:52:00 Seamus Heaney, the 1995 Nobel laureate in Literature who was often described as the greatest Irish poet since Yeats, died on Friday in Dublin. He was 74. The Triumph of Parliament ================================================================================ klosi on 30 August, 2013 18:34:00 The cynics will say that treating this crisis as a management task, conducted by calibrated diplomacy and soft power, will do more for Syrian civilians in the end than spasms of screen-fed emotion. Unfortunately, the cynics are often right. US President Obama: 'No decision yet' on Syria ================================================================================ klosi on 29 August, 2013 07:50:00 President Obama told PBS that the US had "not yet made a decision, but the international norm against the use of chemical weapons needs to be kept in place, and hardly anyone disputes that chemical weapons were used in a large scale in Syria against civilian populations". Armiqtë imagjinarë të elitës së rreme shqiptare ================================================================================ klosi on 29 August, 2013 07:38:00 Kjo elitë e rreme intelektuale, nëpërmjet emisioneve dhe debateve, deklaratave, shkrimeve të shëmtuara, kanë goditur dhe minuar vazhdimisht një miqësi me një vend fqinj mijëra vjeçar, dhe një komunitet i cili për nga rëndësia për Shqipërinë është i veçantë... Safety fears over mobile banking ================================================================================ klosi on 27 August, 2013 15:47:00 Britain's booming mobile banking sector is to be reviewed by regulators to check banks have the right IT systems in place and that enough is being done to protect customers from fraudsters. Should young be fined for not voting? ================================================================================ klosi on 26 August, 2013 09:52:00 IPPR say compulsory first-time voting necessary to ensure turnout gap between young and old does not get larger... Is Europe still in crisis? ================================================================================ klosi on 26 August, 2013 09:02:00 "Eurogeddon" was the buzzword on everyone’s lips in 2011. But is a euro recovery real or imagined? Britain must look 'beyond' the EU ================================================================================ klosi on 26 August, 2013 08:58:00 Boris Johnson adds: “We need to raise our eyes beyond Europe, forging and intensifying links with countries that are going to be growing in the decades ahead — countries that offer immense opportunities for British goods, people, services and capital.” Variant Vjeshte ================================================================================ klosi on 26 August, 2013 07:48:00 Brenda poçit të dritës Jeton vjeshta e verdhë Ditën arratiset diellit Natën hyn në qelq... Hëna xhelozon ngjyrën. Një padi e pazakontë në Hagë ================================================================================ klosi on 24 August, 2013 14:37:00 Avokati shpreson që GJND-ja të pajtohet me faktin se procedurat e gjykatave romake ishin të pavlefshme nga ana ligjore, sepse ato nuk qenë në përputhje me sundimin e ligjit në atë kohë, por edhe më pas. UN steps up pressure on Assad ================================================================================ klosi on 23 August, 2013 07:48:00 The United Nations secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, has renewed his push for Syria to allow UN inspectors immediate access to investigate allegations that the government carried out a deadly chemical weapons attack on the outskirts of Damascus. Neolithic chefs spiced their food ================================================================================ klosi on 23 August, 2013 07:31:00 Mineral grains from garlic-mustard seeds found in 6,000-year-old cooking pots. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 23 August, 2013 07:27:00 NSA e cila zotëron vetëm një autoritet të limituar ligjor për të spiunuar shtetasit amerikanë, ka krijuar një rrjet survejimi, i cili mbulon një hartë më të gjerë komunikimesh në internet të amerikanëve. Youth jobs schemes 'not working' ================================================================================ klosi on 17 August, 2013 21:20:00 National schemes to tackle youth unemployment are not working, the group representing English councils has said. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 16 August, 2013 08:38:00 David Cameron will put curbing the benefit rights of EU migrants at the centre of his reform plan when he meets leaders in Brussels for talks to win back powers for Britain, sources have claimed. Miti si model krenarie, sjellje e veprimi ================================================================================ klosi on 16 August, 2013 07:43:00 Miti shpesh identifikohet me legjendën (që nuk ka përmbajtje fetare e mbinatyrore, që i mëshon historisë më shumë se kuptimit ose vlerave filozofike e morale); me folklorin (që ka të bëjë më shpesh me ngjarje fiktive me shtrirje të kufizuar gjeografike); me fabulën (që për mishërimin e një morali, si te fabulat e Ezopit, përfshin deri të folurën e kafshëve). Facebook buys machine translation start-up ================================================================================ klosi on 14 August, 2013 08:42:00 Facebook has bought a speech recognition and machine translation start-up, in a move it hopes will connect users across language barriers. Eurozone comes out of recession ================================================================================ klosi on 14 August, 2013 08:37:00 The eurozone has emerged from recession after a record 18 months of economic contraction. Students lured with cash bribes ================================================================================ klosi on 12 August, 2013 08:43:00 Universities are offering “sweeteners” worth thousands of pounds to recruit Britain’s brightest students. Germany is strong, but not nearly strong enough ================================================================================ klosi on 12 August, 2013 08:40:00 Germany is conventionally depicted as Europe’s economic giant and Berlin as the go-to capital for Americans and Asians anxious to see decisive action to overcome the crisis. Chain reaction shattered huge Antarctica ice shelf ================================================================================ klosi on 12 August, 2013 08:37:00 Researchers have been wondering ever since what could have caused the sudden draining of the lakes, and whether this caused the demise of the ice shelf. Now, a study led by MacAyeal might answer both questions. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 11:31:00 18,000 cancer patients' files are lost every year ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 11:21:00 Around 18,000 cancer patients have their medical files lost every year in hospitals, while even more suffer humiliation at the hands of nurses. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 10:54:00 The single currency has failed to become the harmonising force that it was supposed to be... Twitter 'should be taught at school' ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 10:35:00 Pupils should be taught about the risks of using Twitter in lessons at school, Dominic Grieve the Attorney General has said. Spain 'committed' to Gibraltar talks ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 10:30:00 Spain is committed to "dialogue with friendly countries", Madrid has said, after Prime Minister David Cameron warned his Spanish counterpart that a Gibraltar border spat risked damaging their relations. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 10:23:00 Kim Dotcom’s PRISM busting encrypted email service will be out in 2014... European Stocks Mixed ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 10:19:00 Industrial production in the euro zone's second largest economy fell 1.4% in June from May, while economists polled by Dow Jones Newswires had expected a 0.1% rise in industrial output in June. Output in manufacturing alone contracted 0.4%. Visual neurons mapped in action ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 10:16:00 Researchers detail structure and workings of mouse and fruit fly retinal circuits. Paypal trials app that lets you pay with your face ================================================================================ klosi on 09 August, 2013 07:20:00 Predicts payment system will become the norm by 2016 ... Marching forward ================================================================================ klosi on 08 August, 2013 09:04:00 Indeed, China celebrates defeat like other countries mark victories—and the humiliations of subsequent decades afford plenty of opportunities, with the once great empire carved up at the hands first of Europeans and then the Japanese. This grim past is central to the narrative of the ruling Communist Party Lugina po zbrazet!... ================================================================================ klosi on 08 August, 2013 08:21:00 Përveç mungesës së arsimit cilësor fillor dhe të mesëm, mungesa e një universiteti në gjuhën shqipe përveçse është shkelje e normave ndërkombëtare nga shteti i Serbisë, rrezikon edhe zbrazjen e Luginës nga të rinjtë, ngase vijnë për të studiuar dhe vazhdojnë jetën në shtetin e Kosovës. Shteti bëhet vetëm kur zbatohet ligji ================================================================================ klosi on 08 August, 2013 08:06:00 Qeveria e re tashmë është ndërtuar, një qeveri që ka për detyrë të përmbushë misionin e saj të rëndësishëm, integrimin e Shqipërisë në Europë, një mirëqenie më të mirë dhe punësim. Britain 'should share Gibraltar sovereignty' ================================================================================ klosi on 06 August, 2013 10:25:00 A deal on ending the dispute, which dates back to the Treaty of Utrecht 300 years ago that ceded the territory to Britain, appeared close in 2002 after negotiations between then Europe minister Mr Hain and his Spanish counterpart. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 06 August, 2013 09:56:00 Shumica kanë filluar ta pranojnë se ndryshimi shoqërohet më së miri nga stabiliteti dhe demokracia funksionon vetëm nëse debati zhvillohet në një atmosferë të arsyeshme, ku fjalët mund të jenë edhe madje të ashpra, por jo të provokojnë dhunë. Mbi politikën e jashtme të qeverisë së re ================================================================================ klosi on 06 August, 2013 09:53:00 Në udhëtimin e mundshëm të Ramës në SHBA në shtator do shihet dhe orientimi i qeverisë së re në marrëdhëniet me fuqinë e madhe globale. Europe’s reforms need more than a new rule book ================================================================================ klosi on 06 August, 2013 09:43:00 Political leaders in Dublin and Rome see a connection between constitutional reform and the battle to overcome the national economic crises of the eurozone era. The Irish government proposes to abolish the Senate, the upper legislative chamber. By the end of this year a referendum is likely. Newspapers Are Billionaires’ Latest Trophies ================================================================================ klosi on 06 August, 2013 09:02:00 Mr. Bezos, the chief executive of Amazon.com, is paying cash for The Washington Post out of his own personal wealth, currently estimated at more than $25 billion. The Post will cost him roughly 1 percent of what he owns in Amazon stock alone.Some billionaires like cars, yachts and private jets. Others like newspapers. Mjekë humanë “hipokratë” dhe “hipokritë” me bluza të bardha ================================================================================ klosi on 06 August, 2013 08:44:00 Por ajo që mbetet alfa, e sidomos për mjekun, është sjellja, kujdesi, humanizmi, si “ilaçet” më të mira, që mund t’i japë çdo mjek, e që e “shërojnë” çdo qytetar! Warning on 'spectacle' immigrant ops ================================================================================ klosi on 04 August, 2013 12:37:00 A government adviser on immigration has questioned the effectiveness of some recent high-profile operations targeting illegal immigrants. HSBC 'closing diplomatic accounts' ================================================================================ klosi on 04 August, 2013 12:21:00 HSBC bank has reportedly asked more than 40 diplomatic missions to close their accounts as part of a programme to reduce business risks. Neuromorphic computing ================================================================================ klosi on 04 August, 2013 12:18:00 Computers will help people to understand brains better. And understanding brains will help people to build better computers Gjeneratë diplomash ================================================================================ klosi on 04 August, 2013 11:41:00 Hapja e universiteteve shtetërore nuk është ide e pamenduar, madje, nëse është menduar si një mundësi për t’i zbrazur kolegjet private, atëherë defektet do të shihen më vonë! Shoqërisë i duhen studime të “dijës së integruar”. Nuk është sukses i arsimimit të shoqërisë kosovare në qoftë se një diplomë e një universiteti kosovar të vlejë vetëm në Kosovë!... The demon drink: war on sugar ================================================================================ klosi on 04 August, 2013 11:04:00 Our addiction to sugar is linked to obesity, cancer and heart disease – and soft drinks are among the worst offenders. Alex Renton reports on the new health war, and reveals why some fruit juices may be as bad for you as cans of fizz Blair hopeful for Middle East peace ================================================================================ klosi on 04 August, 2013 10:55:00 Tony Blair says that he sees signs of optimism in the Middle East, including in Iraq, despite rising casualty figures there and the escalating "living nightmare" in Syria. Rama: Bashkëpunim i gjerë me Erdogan ================================================================================ klosi on 04 August, 2013 09:48:00 “Rreth 2 ore e 30 minuta me kryeministrin Erdogan e një serë ministrash të dy palëve. Një plan i gjerë bashkëpunimi në proces. Mikpritje e shkëlqyer!”, shkruan Rama. Tories recruit Obama strategist ================================================================================ klosi on 02 August, 2013 21:02:00 The strategist who masterminded Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential election victory has joined the Conservative party in what even Labour insiders are calling a “coup” for David Cameron. The Rivals ================================================================================ klosi on 02 August, 2013 20:53:00 The unhappy Bianca lived to experience, in all its bitterness, that "hope deferred that maketh the heart sick" and eventually breaks it. She died in less than two years after the flight of Frederic, a victim to a disorder that has no place in the catalogue of nosologists, and is not recognised as a malady... * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 02 August, 2013 20:07:00 Gamilja u ngrit nga toka në këmbë dhe atij i dukej sikur një ashensor fare i pasigurtë i jashtëm po ngrihej nga toka. Dhe ja, tek ishte në katin e dytë. Reagimi i Avokat Ngjelës ================================================================================ klosi on 02 August, 2013 20:01:00 Prandaj kjo është politika ime: nuk do të cedoj kurrë nga dinjiteti dhe angazhimi i moralshëm që kam përpara shoqërisë sime, të marre prej meje, jo tani, por që në një kohë që Rama vetë ishte vetëm nëntë vjeç. SHBA publikon dokumentet e përgjimit ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 12:18:00 Dokumentet përfshijnë raporte të viteve 2009 dhe 2011 mbi “Programin e Mbledhjeve Masive” të Agjencisë së Sigurisë Kombëtare, programe që bazohen te ligji “Akti Patriotik”. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:58:00 So, it is very important for the teachers to set about unconditioning themselves, and also to help the children to be free of conditioning. Knowing the conditioning influence of parents, of tradition, of society, the teacher must encourage the children not thoughtlessly to accept, but to investigate, to question. Engineered mice act as hepatitis C model ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:48:00 Researchers have created the first strain of mouse that is completely vulnerable to hepatitis C. The advance, reported today in Nature1, promises to aid efforts to develop a vaccine against the virus, which causes liver disease and cancer. Rritje negative ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:36:00 Rritje e papunësisë, rritje e varfërisë, rritje e krimit dhe e korrupsionit, rritje e ikjes nga Kosova – karakteristika të Kosovës nën udhëheqjen e bartësit të nofkës që është “Mission Impossible” t’i besohet... “Mëkatet” e qytetarit dhe “mallkimet” e shtetit! ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:31:00 Qytetarët, të ardhur nga të gjitha lagjet e periferia e Metropolit, duhet t’i bëjë mirë hesapet, kur të vijë për të plotësuar dokumentat për pension. Vështirësitë më të mëdha, janë për të çarë turmën e njerëzve për të shkuar tek sporteli ku ke punë... OSBE: Pranoni rezultatin e zgjedhjeve ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:26:00 Ambasadori i OSBES Robert Wilton, i bën thirrje palëve të respektojnë verdiktin e institucioneve dhe pranojnë qetësisht rezultatin.“Procesi zgjedhor po vazhdon, dhe po veprohet nëpërmjet institucioneve të përshtatshme që merren me zgjedhjet në Shqipëri. Edward Snowden leaves Moscow airport ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:23:00 Edward Snowden, the contractor who leaked details of mass surveillance programmes by the US National Security Agency, has left Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport after spending nearly six weeks holed up on the site. System can 'never prevent' all child deaths ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:20:00 Four-year-old Daniel Pelka's life was one of such "extreme cruelty" in the run up to his death that a sibling felt compelled to hide food for him while he was being starved by his parents. Europe's factories grow, China's stabilise ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:18:00 Europe's factories delivered more signs last month the region is gradually leaving recession behind, according to business surveys that also eased immediate fears over the health of China's economy. Sfida antikorrupsion e Qeverisë Rama ================================================================================ klosi on 01 August, 2013 11:08:00 Përveç pengimit të zhvillimit ekonomik apo rrënimit të mjedisit, korrupsioni ka sjellë një diferencim të frikshëm pasuror, nga njëra anë një rritje të varfërisë për shumicën e popullatës dhe, nga ana tjetër grumbullim për një kohë të shkurtër të pasurive përrallore në një grup relativisht të vogël njerëzish.