Klosi: Klosi News Europe is risking a bank run ================================================================================ klosi on 18 March, 2013 08:58:00 With the agreement on a depositor haircut for Cyprus– in all but name – the eurozone has effectively defaulted on a deposit insurance guarantee for bank deposits. That guarantee was given in 2008 after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. It consisted of a series of nationally co-ordinated guarantees. They wanted to make the political point that all savings are safe. 210 azilanë iranianë strehim në Shqipëri ================================================================================ klosi on 18 March, 2013 08:51:00 Strehimi i 210 shtetasve iranianë është një marrëveshje mes Shqipërisë dhe SHBA. Për këtë arsye, kryeministri Berisha priti në takim Zëvendës Ndihmës Sekretaren në Departamentin e Shtetit të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës, në Zyrën e Çështjeve të Lindjes së Afërt, znj. Barbara Leaf, si dhe përfaqësuesin e posaçëm të Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm... * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2013 20:07:00 Blood test tracks cancer ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2013 19:36:00 Monitoring tumour DNA shows promise for following progress of disease.A blood test for DNA shed by dying tumour cells might one day be used to track a patient's response to therapy, results from a pilot study in breast cancer suggest. The technique would provide an alternative to invasive biopsies that retrieve tumour tissue for analysis. UK launches unit to tackle cyber crime ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2013 18:36:00 The British government has launched a cyber crime unit to tackle a threat it says is becoming “ever more complex”, with one in three people a victim of online crime last year. “Habemus Francesco Papam” ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2013 18:13:00 Arqipeshkopi i Buenos Airesit, Papa i ri i Romës, është intelektual, shkencëtar kimist dhe Profesor. Ashtu si Shën Francesku, urren shpërdorimin e parasë dhe mendon se Kisha duhet të rifitojë autoritetin e humbur nga skandalet nëpërmjet thjeshtësisë, frymës dhe shërbimit. Ai është jezuit dhe i përket asaj pjese që është e hapur me urdhrat sovranë në mbarë botën... Online learning: Campus 2.0 ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2013 20:53:00 Virtually everyone participating in this upheaval agrees on one thing. Colleges and universities will change — perhaps dramatically — but they will not disappear. “No one says that all education has to be online,” says Thrun. “Sometimes, a classroom is better.” Especially in communal endeavours such as science, “education is more than just knowledge”, says Dede. Judging the honesty of British politics ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2013 20:50:00 One of the great things about the British political system is its extraordinary integrity and honesty. Everyone says so. It’s so clean. Ask any politician; they’ll tell you. Pirate Bay Co-Founders Lose European Appeal ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2013 20:48:00 The court says their prison sentence and fine were not disproportionate because the pair failed to remove copyrighted files. EU Parliament rebuffs budget ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2013 19:31:00 The European Parliament wielded its new powers to reject for the first time a long-term EU budget agreed by leaders of the bloc’s 27 member states, setting the stage for a negotiation between the two sides. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2013 19:20:00 The temple of Heaven, The Forbidden City and The Summer Palace. No adventurer can resist these wonderful destinations that have nice poetic names. In Beijing, you can also discover great architecture. And no vacation in Beijing would be satisfying without seeing and climbing the long stairs of the Great Wall of China. Also, a fine place to relax around Beijing is the Beihai Gongyuan (Beihai Park) Simply woman! ================================================================================ klosi on 11 March, 2013 17:49:00 Dreams, often unapproachable, to your eternally, extended hands…. …in endless search… Lidershipi ================================================================================ klosi on 11 March, 2013 16:26:00 Ideologji e këtij lidershipi është demagogjia dhe “puna për të mirën e popullit” në kohën ”kur duhet marrë vendime të rënda”. Se, po ta kishte pasur përnjëmend, më së pari nuk do t’i vidheshin dëshmitë nëpër polici. Nishani nderon Azem Hajdarin me Urdhrin e Flamurit ================================================================================ klosi on 11 March, 2013 16:23:00 Presidenti i Republikës, Bujar Nishani nderoi udhëheqësin e Lëvizjes Studentore të Dhjetorit ’90, Azem Hajdari (Pas vdekjes) me Urdhrin e Flamurit Kombëtar “Për kontributin e jashtëzakonshëm e të pamohueshëm dhënë gjatë drejtimit të Lëvizjes Studentore Shqiptare ‘90-‘91 në shembjen e sistemit diktatorial; për fitoren e pluralizmit politik dhe të parimeve të lirisë e të demokracisë, si dhe për vetëmohimin si politikan ... Captors get Stockholm syndrome ================================================================================ klosi on 10 March, 2013 20:36:00 Rebels who held 21 Filipino U.N. peacekeepers in Syria put blankets on their hostages to help them sleep through the cold nights and a rebel commander became visibly emotional when his group released the men, a U.N. peacekeeping official said in Manila on Sunday. Wine drug 'could help us live to 150' ================================================================================ klosi on 10 March, 2013 19:33:00 Drugs that could help people to live to 150 by slowing the ageing process are being developed by scientists.The drugs are synthetic versions of resveratrol, found in red wine, an organic chemical believed to have an anti-ageing effect, by boosting activity of a protein called SIRT1. How Facebook could get you arrested ================================================================================ klosi on 10 March, 2013 19:10:00 Smart technology and the sort of big data available to social networking sites are helping police target crime before it happens. But is this ethical?Facebook is at the cutting edge of algorithmic surveillance here: just like police departments that draw on earlier crime statistics, Facebook draws on archives of real chats that preceded real sex assaults. Curiously, Facebook justifies its use of algorithms by claiming that they tend to be less intrusive than humans. Kur mashtrimi bëhet parim! ================================================================================ klosi on 10 March, 2013 18:21:00 Elita pak a shumë duhet të bëjë të gjitha, përfshirë edhe promovimin e kulturës, vlerave e të arriturave nacionale. Të jesh elitë nuk është vetëm privilegj, por edhe përgjegjësi, dhe të gjithë ata që nuk i ndjejnë përgjegjësitë e tyre si duhet një ditë kur mashtrimi nuk do të jetë më parim, do të gjykohen si mashtrues! Date set for secret pope selection ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2013 19:12:00 More than 150 cardinals, who have held discussions in Rome all week on the crises facing the Roman Catholic Church, announced the long-anticipated start date on Friday, 12 days after Benedict XVI resigned the papacy because of fatigue and old age. Red wine's link to health gains support ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2013 18:52:00 The discovery that a compound in red wine may provide a healthier and longer life had guaranteed popular appeal, but the suggestion has been attacked from all sides. One such skirmish — a debate about the hypothesized benefits of one particular compound — may now be resolved. Përse gratë janë në qendër të politikës së jashtme të SHBA ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2013 18:12:00 Asnjë vend nuk mund të ecë përpara nëse lë gjysmën e popullsisë së vet mbrapa. Prandaj Shtetet e Bashkuara besojnë se barazia gjinore është kryesore për qëllimet tona të përbashkëta për begati, stabilitet dhe paqe dhe kjo është arsyeja pse investimi te gratë dhe vajzat në mbarë botën është kryesor për përparimin e politikës së jashtme të SHBA-së. Hugo Chávez enshrined as 'comandante eternal' ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2013 17:56:00 All eyes rested on the wooden coffin draped in Venezuela's flag. Before it was closed, some 2 million people, by the government's count, had queued for a glimpse of him, dressed in military uniform and red beret. He was announced dead on Tuesday, aged 58, after a two-year battle with cancer. “Albanian Shake” ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2013 17:20:00 Të gjithë jemi të pakënaqur; të gjithë jemi të gënjyer; ndaj nesh nuk po përgjigjet askush; po na vidhen paratë; po na rrëmbehet liria; po na ikin vitet! Prandaj, le t’i “shkundim” tokat tona! Dhe, të bëjmë “Albanian Shake”! How potent are North Korea's threats? ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2013 16:46:00 The latest UN sanctions on North Korea unleashed an angry response. Pyongyang announced an end to all non-aggression pacts with the South and promised a pre-emptive nuclear strike against attackers. The BBC examines how much of a threat North Korea really poses to the US and its Asian neighbours. Euro crisis is breeding comics not fascists ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2013 11:58:00 There are a few similarities between Europe then and now. As in the 1930s, a financial crash, followed by austerity policies, has led to high unemployment. Once again, new political movements are springing up that heap scorn on the governing class. But dig a little deeper and the comparisons seem superficial. When the Depression arrived in Europe... ESA’s climate-eye dilemma ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2013 11:38:00 Scientists face difficult choice for Europe’s next Earth-observation mission.Snow, trees or the air we breathe? Europe’s environmental research community is facing the difficult task of settling which of the three should be the priority for Europe’s next Earth-observing satellite. “Hardtalk” dhe “Tabloidtalk” ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2013 10:57:00 Hardtalk-u, i organizuar si një intervistë tepër dinamike, mishëron një kërkim të detajuar, një investigim të gjithanshëm mbi një ngjarje apo personin që intervistohet. Veçse, në hardtalk, intervistuesi qëndron në pozitë opozitare me të intervistuarin, por jo në pozita të njëanshme, partizane apo “parti pris”! Kjo e bën dhe dallimin e një kanali të pavarur nga ai partiak apo ai i llojit tabloid… Emiri i Katarit blen ishuj në Greqi ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2013 09:41:00 Emiri i Katarit, një nga njerëzit më të pasur në planet, ka prona në të gjithë botën por qe dashuruar me ishujt disa vite më parë ndërsa shëtiste me jahtin e tij në ujërat e Itakës. Blerja e ishujve u krye pas 18 muajve bisedime. Google News fiton betejën për lajmet ================================================================================ klosi on 04 March, 2013 11:31:00 Google News dhe grumbulluesit e tjerë të lajmeve mund të vazhdojnë të shfaqin artikuj të lajmeve të shkurta në faqet e tyre të internetit pa qenë të detyruar të paguajnë për përmbajtjen e ofruar tek vizitorët e tyre. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 04 March, 2013 11:22:00 The Nazi Holocaust may have claimed up to 20 million lives, a figure far greater than previous estimates, new research has revealed. Much of Fukushima's fallout was gone with the wind ================================================================================ klosi on 04 March, 2013 11:18:00 The World Health Organization this morning released a relatively reassuring report suggesting few health impacts from the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. But the accident is likely to cause small, but significant, increases in cancers in populations in a few hotspots exposed to higher radioactive doses. Third radiation belt discovered around Earth ================================================================================ klosi on 03 March, 2013 08:31:00 A previously unknown belt of radiation surrounded Earth for several weeks last year, Nasa scientists have discovered.Since 1958 scientists have known that Earth is circled by two doughnut-like rings of trapped charged particles called the Van Allen radiation belts. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 03 March, 2013 07:44:00 Rufi Osmani: Stop dhunës ================================================================================ klosi on 02 March, 2013 10:40:00 Lideri i RDK-së, Rufi Osmani ka bërë thirrje që të ndërpritet dhuna huligane ndaj shqiptarëve dhe personat përgjegjës të dalin para drejtësisë. Trazira në Shkup, digjet flamuri shqiptar ================================================================================ klosi on 02 March, 2013 09:48:00 Të rinj të shumtë maqedonas të cilët po protestonin kundër ministrit të Mbrojtjes, Talat Xhaferi, kanë sulmuar disa shqiptarë në sheshin e Shkupit.