Klosi: Klosi News Rreth korrupsionit të përbashkuar ================================================================================ klosi on 29 January, 2013 11:15:00 Nëse nuk ndërmerret asgjë për parandalimin dhe luftimin e kësaj dukurie, atëherë korrupsioni do të na kapërdijë neve si individë dhe si shoqëri, duke mposhtur dhe shndërruar shtetin nga sundimi i së drejtës në sundim të kleptokracisë. The evolution of the smartphone: Your next PC? ================================================================================ klosi on 29 January, 2013 10:28:00 In fact, at least two of these types of products are already in the works. Last fall, Korean Telecom announced its Spider Laptop shell that can connect to an Android smartphone. It uses an MHL 2.0 cable currently but I assume it will upgrade to MHL 3.0 when it comes out later this year. At the moment, it uses its own Android phone for the connection, but it has plans to support other Android phones over time. Davos prescriptions for the U.S. economy ================================================================================ klosi on 29 January, 2013 10:17:00 Get ready for a new elite consensus on the U.S. budget deficit. One of the functions of the World Economic Forum – decide for yourself whether this is a virtue or a vice – is to give the plutocrats a venue for figuring out their party line. Think of it as crowdsourcing for the 0.1 percent. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 29 January, 2013 10:05:00 Mao Ce Dun dhe Mehmet Shehu. Fryma e Davos-it ================================================================================ klosi on 29 January, 2013 09:37:00 Forumi ndërkombëtar në Davos mund të jetë i vetmi takim botëror ku nuk negociohen as nuk arrihen marrëveshje të asnjë natyre, as nuk merren vendime për asgjë, por është sipas Profesorit Klaus Schwab -- cili themeloi Forumin Davos 43 vjet më parë -- një platformë për të shkëmbimin e mendimeve dhe për gjetjen e zgjidhjeve në një atmosferë të izoluar dhe larg nga problemet dhe presionet e jetës së përditshme. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 28 January, 2013 09:49:00 Davos. Feature of the Arrival Day at the congress centre at the Annual Meeting 2013 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 22, 2013. Bittorrent launches Mega, Dropbox competitor ================================================================================ klosi on 28 January, 2013 09:26:00 Sync comes out of Bittorrent's labs and has a simple promise, that being to "Automatically sync files between computers via secure, distributed technology". 10 million Britons could have grounds to sue Google over Safari snooping ================================================================================ klosi on 28 January, 2013 09:02:00 Google is set to face a legal onslaught in the UK amid accusations it is bypassing privacy settings on Apple devices to monitor user behaviour. "China’s Urban Billion" ================================================================================ klosi on 27 January, 2013 20:28:00 In the past 30 years, 500m people have moved to the nation’s cities – as many as the combined populations of the US, Britain, France and Italy. Another 300m are projected to exchange their ploughs for urban life by 2030, at which point one in every eight people on Earth will reside in a Chinese city. WikiLeaks film script leaked to WikiLeaks: Assange ================================================================================ klosi on 27 January, 2013 20:15:00 Assange says the whole story is "a lie built on a lie," claiming that the U.S. intelligence community generally believes that Iran stopped comprehensive secret work on developing nuclear arms in 2003, and that, in any case, the world had yet to see evidence of a case in which WikiLeaks had exposed a CIA informant. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 27 January, 2013 18:37:00 Water. A place for cyberspace ================================================================================ klosi on 27 January, 2013 18:31:00 Google’s current London HQ in St Giles might provide an even better model. The newish, candy-coloured office development, designed by Renzo Piano, the architect of the Shard, is situated tellingly between the traditional centres of London’s publishing (Bloomsbury) and creative (Soho) industries. Manipulimi i ligjshëm i zgjedhjeve ================================================================================ klosi on 27 January, 2013 17:43:00 Tipik është skandali i sapodenoncuar nga opozita i regjistrimit në Kukës të punonjësve të Policisë nga Tirana. Është një rast që tregon sesi ligjin mund ta dhunosh edhe pa e shkelur, sesi edhe zgjedhjet mund t’i manipulosh duke mos e shkelur ligjin, por duke përdorur të çarat e tij në favor të manipulimit, se ligjin mund ta manipulosh në favor të manipulimit të zgjedhjeve. Britain is experiencing 'worse slump than during Great Depression' ================================================================================ klosi on 25 January, 2013 17:16:00 Britain's recent economic performance is the worst since records began in the pre-Victorian era, experts said today, apart from the two immediate post-war slumps. Davos 2013 ================================================================================ klosi on 25 January, 2013 17:06:00 Bankierët ndërkombëtarë dhe ministrat e Financave paralajmëruan dje se kriza e Europës nuk është kapërcyer ende, edhe pse monedha euro tashmë është stabilizuar. Sipas tyre, do të duhen shumë vite që problemet ekonomike të papunësisë masive të mund të kapërcehen në kontinent. (Keq)kuptimi midis politikës dhe (disa) mediave shqiptare! ================================================================================ klosi on 25 January, 2013 13:20:00 "Sikur t’i jepej botës vetëm në saje të pohimeve dhe kërkesave të tyre, disa njerëz do të kërkonin edhe pasurinë dhe gjakun e tjetrit... Por, ai që pohon, duhet të dëshmojë, dhe ai që mohon, duhet të betohet...” Google Earth exposes North Korea's secret prison camps ================================================================================ klosi on 25 January, 2013 13:04:00 Human rights activists are turning to Google Earth to identify the vast network of prison camps that dot the North Korean countryside and hold as many as 200,000 people deemed hostile to the regime. Që prej Sizifit të parë ================================================================================ klosi on 25 January, 2013 12:54:00 Sizifi i lumtur tek e ngjiste lart e i rrëzohej guri. Guri si mendim i dikujt nuk çahej nga brenda që nga Sizifi i parë i shpalljes së luftës me gurin. Dekori që ngjitet ... Right the wrong ================================================================================ klosi on 25 January, 2013 12:00:00 The least the U.S. government can do to mitigate the indignation is by quickly acting on the pending Federal Research Public Access Act, that would make ‘green open access’ mandatory for all federally-funded research. Europe is being 'out-competed' ================================================================================ klosi on 25 January, 2013 10:53:00 David Cameron said Europe was being “out-competed, out-invested and out-innovated” and must change for the sake of all countries, not just the UK. The end of modular exams ================================================================================ klosi on 23 January, 2013 20:10:00 AS-levels, which are currently taken in the first year of the sixth-form, will become standalone qualifications, with marks no longer counting towards final A-level grades Përmendorja si pretekst ================================================================================ klosi on 23 January, 2013 19:41:00 " Ndarja është ide e vjetër, por pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore ata e futën mbarë Kosovën nën kontrollin e tyre. Tani kjo ide e vjetër na qenkësh kompromisi i ri. Është e pamundshme t’i dëbosh një milion shqiptarë nga vatrat e tyre. Jo, Kosova është e pandashme”. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 22 January, 2013 18:22:00 France and Germany plan closer eurozone ================================================================================ klosi on 22 January, 2013 17:59:00 France and Germany will present joint proposals in May for closer economic and monetary union in Europe, to stabilise and deepen integration in the eurozone, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, announced in Berlin on Tuesday * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 21 January, 2013 19:53:00 Voice of the Establishment ================================================================================ klosi on 21 January, 2013 19:26:00 In this, his second term, Obama should have been able to break free from anxiety and inexperience and speak with his own voice, if the usual critics had it right. That he is not doing so is not because he is obtuse: it is because he’s bought into the programme. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 21 January, 2013 19:11:00 Britain has overtaken France to become Germany’s biggest global trade partner for the first time in the modern era, solidifying the emergence of a “special relationship” between Europe’s two like-minded northern powers. Shtëpia europiane e Britanisë ================================================================================ klosi on 21 January, 2013 18:42:00 1 Janari i vitit 2013 shënoi 40-vjetorin e anëtarësimit të Britanisë së Madhe në BE. BE-ja do të bëhet edhe më e rëndësishme gjatë 40 vjetëve të ardhshëm dhe për këtë arsye Britania e Madhe duhet të mbetet tërësisht e përkushtuar në formësimin e së ardhmes së saj. David Cameron to deliver Europe speech in London ================================================================================ klosi on 21 January, 2013 18:38:00 Downing Street said Cameron had decided to make the speech in London to fit into his schedule. He will speak in the morning, before prime minister's questions. The World Economic Forum opens in Davos on Wednesday. Obama Inauguration: President Takes Oath ================================================================================ klosi on 21 January, 2013 17:55:00 President Barack Obama has taken his public oath of office on the steps of the US Capitol to mark the beginning of his second term. Homazhe për “21 Janari-n” ================================================================================ klosi on 21 January, 2013 17:44:00 Nën tingujt e muzikës funebre qindra njerëz, për rreth 1 orë, kaluan heshtje, para fotografive të 4 viktimave. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 19 January, 2013 21:05:00 Giant Sand Dunes. Nanomaterial rivals hardness of diamond ================================================================================ klosi on 19 January, 2013 20:49:00 Whatever the plot details, scientifically minded scriptwriters would do well to turn their attention to cubic boron nitride, a material that in many ways resembles diamond. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 19 January, 2013 19:05:00 * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 19 January, 2013 18:56:00 Kinkaku-ji Temple in Winter, Kyoto Japan. Dotcom expects Hollywood to hit back, lays out his legal arguments for Mega ================================================================================ klosi on 19 January, 2013 18:46:00 Mega will launch with one host, but Dotcom said there had been more than 1000 applications from companies big and small wanting to be hosts, and more would be added after launch (successful candidates will get paid E500 per month per server... Manchester City and Liverpool enjoy easy wins ================================================================================ klosi on 19 January, 2013 18:16:00 Manchester City seized the chance to put Premier League leaders Manchester United under pressure with David Silva's double in a 2-0 win over Fulham on Saturday while Liverpool enjoyed a 5-0 romp against Norwich City. Bashkim kombëtar? Po, por në kohën e duhur ================================================================================ klosi on 19 January, 2013 17:51:00 Nëse shqiptarët kërkojnë bashkim, atëherë humbet kuptimi i anëtarësimit të Kosovës në OKB. Tjetër dinamikë pro bashkimit mund të lëvizte pas anëtarësimit të Kosovës në OKB, sepse dy shtete anëtare të saj mund të bëjnë ç’të duan, megjithëse bllokimet kushtetuese respektive mbeten akoma në fuqi. Duhet durim dhe një kohë tjetër. Nuk po përmend problemet që u krijohen ritmeve të anëtarësimit të Shqipërisë në BE. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 19 January, 2013 17:32:00 FMN bën kritikë të ashpër në lidhje me privatizimin e pasurive shtetërore, e cila nuk u krye ndonjherë, ndërkohëqë megjithëse programi i qeverisë është në drejtimin e duhur, sfidat janë të shumta, pasi rezistenca politike e partive greke, është ende e fortë. Blizzards To Blanket Britain ================================================================================ klosi on 17 January, 2013 19:03:00 It comes after a bitterly cold night for much of the UK, with temperatures over East Anglia dropping to -11C. Further snow showers are expected on Saturday, particularly along eastern coastal areas, with lighter snow showers on Sunday in the Midlands and northwards. UK 'has more debt than eurozone' ================================================================================ klosi on 17 January, 2013 17:38:00 "Britain has a higher state debt than the eurozone average and I don't even want to mention the United States of America," Schaeuble said. Europe drawn into global currency wars ================================================================================ klosi on 16 January, 2013 19:48:00 The world is edging closer to all out currency conflict as Europe’s politicians join a chorus of policy-makers across the globe pushing for devaluations to fight for market share. Snow showers predicted across UK ================================================================================ klosi on 13 January, 2013 19:51:00 The AA has warned that 75% of drivers are not prepared for conditions on the roads, and urged drivers to carry an essential winter kit and check their cars before getting behind the wheel. In memoriam, Aaron Swartz ================================================================================ klosi on 13 January, 2013 19:43:00 Aaron Swartz was not the only author of RSS. Dave Winer, also often credited with the standard, wrote his own remembrance of Swartz; he also linked to his own chronology of the development of RSS, which does not mention Swartz at all. This uncertainty is endemic of the way the Internet moves forward. Searching for Earth’s twin ================================================================================ klosi on 13 January, 2013 19:35:00 Having succeeded in studying the atmospheres of exoplanets, scientists have moved on to get a deeper understanding of their atmospheric biosignatures to ascertain the possibility of life. But the search for alien life has traditionally been based on our knowledge of living forms on Earth, which are carbon based. But can silicon-based life be completely ruled out? Similarly, should oxygen be present for life to exist? Concerns raised on east European migration ================================================================================ klosi on 13 January, 2013 19:28:00 But he said councils were taking action to prepare for a possible large increase in their citizens moving to the UK next year when transitional controls end. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 13 January, 2013 19:23:00 Boris Johnson ================================================================================ klosi on 13 January, 2013 19:12:00 The Mayor of London triumphed over a who's who of politics, royalty and celebrities in a list dominated by Oxford graduates and Old Etonians. The time? About a quarter past a kilogram ================================================================================ klosi on 13 January, 2013 18:37:00 Although their claims are controversial, the researchers say that the device could also have a role in redefining the kilogram, the only basic unit of measurement not yet tied to a fundamental physical phenomenon. Mbi raportin pozicionim – interes ================================================================================ klosi on 10 January, 2013 19:23:00 Shpesh, diferenca midis interesit dhe pozicionimit është kritike. Në fakt, janë interesat që përcaktojnë problemin dhe jo pozicionimi i veçantë ndaj tij. Argumentimi mbi pozicionimin, përgjithësisht, nuk rezulton efektiv, por dhe rrezikon marrëdhëniet midis palëve. Problemi bëhet akoma më i komplikuar në prani të shumë palëve. Rethink on EU "may hurt economy" ================================================================================ klosi on 09 January, 2013 11:55:00 David Cameron’s plans to renegotiate Britain’s European Union membership are doomed to failure and could hurt the British economy, business leaders have warned. Norovirus: new strain may be to blame for record cases say experts ================================================================================ klosi on 09 January, 2013 11:50:00 A new strain of norovirus could be to blame for the record level of cases seen this winter, leading experts to warn of a 'severe season'. Why tuition fees haven't improved university teaching ================================================================================ klosi on 07 January, 2013 11:11:00 The introduction of tuition fees is not enough to restore the standard of university teaching – we need to encourage academics to take it seriously, argues Gervas Huxley. Bahrain upholds dissenters’ sentences ================================================================================ klosi on 07 January, 2013 10:58:00 Bahrain’s highest court has reaffirmed sentences against the political figureheads of a revolt in the country for trying to overthrow the Gulf monarchy, further undermining prospects for reconciliation. What a relief! The madness of child benefit for all ends today ================================================================================ klosi on 07 January, 2013 10:52:00 It makes no sense for the affluent middle classes to be showered with taxpayers’ cash, says Boris Johnson. Vijnë çastet kur edhe politikanët do t'i shohin dobësitë ================================================================================ klosi on 05 January, 2013 08:03:00 Opozita duhet të japë ofertën reale për shtetin ligjor, luftën kundër krimit të organizuar dhe korrupsionit dhe mbrojtjes së votës së lirë, shtegun e ngritjes ekonomike. Kjo pritet edhe prej z. R. Haradinaj, prej pragmatizmit të tij në politikë, nëse kjo nuk shuhet nga lakmia momentale për pushtet. Winter energy bills 'will reach £530 a quarter' ================================================================================ klosi on 04 January, 2013 18:01:00 Recent price rises averaging almost 8pc are beginning to hit consumers. Energy customers on standard tariffs could be facing average quarterly bills of £530 in the coming months following a spate of price rises coinciding with the start of winter. "Shqipëria e Madhe" - projekt i SHBA-ve kundër Serbisë dhe Rusisë ================================================================================ klosi on 04 January, 2013 17:45:00 Kryqëzata kundër botës komuniste ishte kthyer në një kryqëzatë kundër botës ortodokse dhe kundër qendrës së saj politike dhe ku banojnë shumica e tyre, në Rusi. Akademik Mark Krasniqi ================================================================================ klosi on 04 January, 2013 17:33:00 Akademik M.Krasniqi: Le të jemi të bashkuar rreth idealit tonë kombëtar. Të bashkuar jemi më të fortë. Paqja, dashuria, shëndeti e begatia qoftë në votrat e të gjitha familjeve shqiptare kudo që janë e kudo që jetojnë! Downloads surge to £1billion ================================================================================ klosi on 02 January, 2013 19:00:00 Digital downloads of films, music and video games have reached £1billion for the first time, official industry figures confirm. Britain would vote to stay in the EU ================================================================================ klosi on 02 January, 2013 18:27:00 The threat of Britain actually quitting the EU remains small. The current atmosphere of crisis is real enough. But once you start thinking through the likely chain of events, continued British membership of the EU remains easily the most probable outcome. Quadrantids meteor shower ================================================================================ klosi on 02 January, 2013 18:16:00 The Quadrantids meteor shower is made up of space debris that will enter our atmosphere at speeds of 90,000 mph before burning up 50 miles above Earth's surface. BE: 2013, vit i qytetarëve ================================================================================ klosi on 02 January, 2013 18:00:00 Bashkimi Europian e ka shpallur vitin 2013, vit të qytetarëve europianë. Aktualisht, Irlanda është kryesuese e Presidencës së Bashkimit Europian. Plea for tighter restrictions on cosmetic surgery ================================================================================ klosi on 01 January, 2013 13:20:00 Strong calls have been made for a ban on aggressive selling of cosmetic surgery. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 01 January, 2013 12:49:00 Cherry blossom, Japan. What to watch out for in Parliament in 2013 ================================================================================ klosi on 01 January, 2013 12:31:00 But first, the economy. Everyone in Westminster believes the outcome of the next election will depend on whether it has perked up. At the moment the coalition can muster a Commons majority for its central economic programme, but one of the big emerging factors in the Commons is the seeping realisation among Conservatives that it may well not do so. North Korea's Kim Jong-un makes a rare New Year's speech ================================================================================ klosi on 01 January, 2013 12:24:00 North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un makes a rare New Year's speech, the first by the North's leaders in 19 years.