Klosi: Klosi News Summer holidays... ================================================================================ klosi on 30 April, 2011 10:45:00 Looking for inspiration on how to fill that three-month break? We asked current and former students what they did last summer... Google Earth presents Royal Wedding procession tour ================================================================================ klosi on 29 April, 2011 16:47:00 Google Earth is marking the event by providing a flashy 3D tour of said procession, so those who aren’t there waving flags and throwing confetti can check out the route and famous landmarks along the way. Greece and Portugal debts worse than expected ================================================================================ klosi on 29 April, 2011 09:27:00 Greece's annual deficit was 10.5% of national output last year and Portugal's was 9.1% – both more than assumed by the European commission. Japan: the road to recovery and rebirth ================================================================================ klosi on 28 April, 2011 21:17:00 ‘Following the earthquake, the Japanese Government will dedicate itself to establishing the most sophisticated reconstruction plans, based on three principles.' America's shameful secret WikiLeaked ================================================================================ klosi on 28 April, 2011 07:59:00 This myth has now been exploded by the release and publication of more than 700 official Pentagon documents by WikiLeaks. Man United closes in on final ================================================================================ klosi on 28 April, 2011 07:26:00 “It was a very professional performance tonight,” said Ferguson. “The concentration, intensity and passing were all top class. They have all done fantastically well.” California ponders cell-banking venture ================================================================================ klosi on 27 April, 2011 17:39:00 State agency grapples with technical and ethical challenges. Apple breaks location-storing silence ================================================================================ klosi on 27 April, 2011 05:27:00 When not using GPS, a handset relies on the identity of the nearest cell or Wi-Fi hotspot. Neither transmitter will reveal its location but various companies hold databases linking cell ID with location. Presidenti i KE, do të vizitojë Tiranën ================================================================================ klosi on 27 April, 2011 17:15:00 Më 21 Maj 2011 vjen në Tiranë, Presidenti i Komisionit Europian, Z. Manuel Barrozo, i shoqëruar nga një delegacion zyrtar i nivelit të lartë”, ka informuar zyra e shtypit të Presidencës. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 26 April, 2011 18:18:00 The leaked WikiLeaks documents, written by senior US military commanders at Guantánamo Bay, illustrate how, for two decades, Britain effectively became a crucible of terrorism... WikiLeaks: Guantanamo Bay terrorist secrets revealed ================================================================================ klosi on 25 April, 2011 09:29:00 Guantanamo Bay has been used to incarcerate dozens of terrorists who have admitted plotting terrifying attacks against the West – while imprisoning more than 150 totally innocent people, top-secret files disclose. Ballkani - informatat “hermetike” për qytetarët ================================================================================ klosi on 25 April, 2011 16:50:00 Bashkimi Europian që prej themelimit vazhdimisht ka plotësuar legjislacionin për qasje te lire dhe transparence, ne këtë drejtim në shumicën e Traktateve: ( Traktati i BE-së, Mastrihtit, Amsterdamit etj)... Stinking flower blooms ================================================================================ klosi on 24 April, 2011 21:20:00 The amorphophallus titanum, or corpse flower, is in full glory before the bloom wilts on Sunday. The plant is 17 years old and has never bloomed before. A është e mundshme? ================================================================================ klosi on 24 April, 2011 17:41:00 Si qytetar i Tiranës, natyrisht, me nënshtetësi të Republikës së Shqipërisë unë, vetë, e përjetoj si fyerje të ndërgjegjes dhe të integritetit tim politik dhe moral ... EU poised for Greece crisis talks ================================================================================ klosi on 23 April, 2011 20:00:00 A delegation of leading European and international monetary officials are planning a crisis summit in Athens in May amid growing fears that Greece may default on its sovereign debt Hottest Easter ever? ================================================================================ klosi on 23 April, 2011 19:49:00 Britain is on course for the hottest Easter since records began in 1960 and the warmest April in more than a century. How police have obtained iPhone, iPad tracking logs ================================================================================ klosi on 22 April, 2011 06:35:00 Law enforcement agencies have known since at least last year that an iPhone or iPad surreptitiously records its owner's approximate location, and have used that geolocation data to aid criminal investigations. The Shadow out of Time ================================================================================ klosi on 21 April, 2011 20:10:00 Even my speech seemed awkward and foreign. I used my vocal organs clumsily and gropingly, and my diction had a curiously stilted quality, as if I had laboriously learned the English language from books. Tuition fees 2012... ================================================================================ klosi on 21 April, 2011 15:44:00 MPs voted in December to raise tuition fees for full-time undergraduates from £3,350 a year to £6,000 in 2012 and up to £9,000 in "exceptional cases". Wollfarth: 8 Maji ditë tepër e rëndësishme ================================================================================ klosi on 21 April, 2011 19:39:00 Tani duhet të përqendrohemi te zgjedhjet. Është një ditë shumë e rëndësishme, sepse do të vendoset, në nivel vendor, në të gjitha qytetet e komunat se si administrohet... UK double bank holiday travels get under way ================================================================================ klosi on 21 April, 2011 09:41:00 The current top destinations are New York, Dubai, Dublin, Hong Kong and Amsterdam, according to Nick Cullen, chief operating officer for BAA at Heathrow. EU demands £400 per British family ================================================================================ klosi on 20 April, 2011 21:02:00 David Cameron is under pressure to block a demand from Brussels for British taxpayers to give an extra £682 million next year to the European Union budget. Alps records worst April snow cover ever ================================================================================ klosi on 20 April, 2011 20:40:00 The Alps has the worst snow cover ever recorded for April thanks to the spring heatwave. Putin promises extensive re-arming ================================================================================ klosi on 20 April, 2011 12:31:00 Speaking in Parliament on Wednesday, Mr. Putin laid out a $700-billion programme of across-the-board modernisation of Russia's war arsenals by 2020. Osmani: Shqiptarët kërkojnë ndryshime ================================================================================ klosi on 20 April, 2011 13:36:00 Kreu i RDK-së, Rufi Osmani ka theksuar se populli shqiptar nuk pajtohet me mënyrën e udhëheqjes së politikës, andaj kërkojmë ndryshime. Thomas Eliot (1888-1965) ================================================================================ klosi on 19 April, 2011 12:17:00 Thomas Eliot was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948. Regime change under UNSC cover ================================================================================ klosi on 19 April, 2011 19:23:00 Nevertheless, the evidence is increasingly clear that, even before they obtained the existing mandate, Washington, London, and Paris wanted only to remove Mr. Qadhafi. Dating service to use DNA ================================================================================ klosi on 19 April, 2011 19:02:00 A dating service set up by biology students in Munich, Germany is testing subjects' DNA to find the most compatible gene pools. Wollfarth: Të emërohet Avokati i Popullit ================================================================================ klosi on 19 April, 2011 18:46:00 Ndërkohë emërimi i Avokatit të Popullit është një nga 12 rekomandimet e kërkuara nga Komisioni Europian, por si rezultat i krizës politike në vend ende nuk është bërë ndonjë propozim. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 19 April, 2011 18:41:00 Cubans will be allowed to buy and sell homes for the first time since Fidel Castro seized power in 1959 under a package of sweeping reforms. Presidenti Topi dhe ambasadorët në Vlorë ================================================================================ klosi on 18 April, 2011 13:28:00 “Punojmë t’i përgjigjemi ritmit global. Jemi besimplotë për sistemin e vlerave ku mbështetemi, të vetëdijshëm se nga vijmë dhe ku duhet të shkojmë, po shikojmë se ku mund të bëhemi të dobishëm për rajonin..." Dream - Land ================================================================================ klosi on 18 April, 2011 17:00:00 Lakes that endlessly outspread Their lone waters - lone and dead... Copenhagen ================================================================================ klosi on 18 April, 2011 20:43:00 Given its reputation as the latest gastronomic hotspot and an unfavourable exchange rate, Copenhagen is anything but cheap. So we've found the best budget options, all with great locations... Gifts—Money—Discrimination ================================================================================ klosi on 18 April, 2011 20:19:00 I provide myself with a quantity of bright new ten-cent and five-cent bills, and, when I think it incumbent, I give 25 or 30 cents, or perhaps 50 cents, and occasionally a still larger sum to some particular case... * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 17 April, 2011 18:10:00 Chords, vibrations, and harmonic ecstasies echoed passionately on every hand, while on my ravished sight burst the stupendous spectacle of ultimate beauty. Boris Johnson ================================================================================ klosi on 16 April, 2011 12:55:00 Johnson, journalist and TV personality, has been mayor for three years now and is already on the campaign trail for 2012, where the same old battle will be fought ... Samiti i G20 në Washington ================================================================================ klosi on 16 April, 2011 20:46:00 Vendet e industrializuara dhe në zhvillim, të bashkuara në grupin G20, synojnë të ndërmarrin masa serioze për reduktimin e disbalancave globale mes fuqive ekonomike. Krijohet "Shoqata e Librit Shqip" ================================================================================ klosi on 16 April, 2011 20:01:00 Në njoftimin për shtyp të Shoqatës së Librit Shqip thuhet se kjo shoqatë do të ruajë standardet e padisktuara për librin, siç janë respektimi rigoroz i së drejtës së autorit, paraqitja estetike e çdo botimi... Social crisis ahead: World Bank, IMF ================================================================================ klosi on 16 April, 2011 18:41:00 Arguing that the youth were being hit particularly hard by the crisis, Mr. Kahn warned that “what should have been a brief spell in unemployment is turning into a life sentence... * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 14 April, 2011 18:03:00 Your brain may control your computer, but who's controlling your brain? You wouldn't want a computer to unquestioningly act on what's inside your head. From the Moon to the museum ================================================================================ klosi on 14 April, 2011 08:26:00 The winning institutions will now have to negotiate with NASA over the cost, estimated at $28.8 million apiece, of preparing the shuttles for display and moving them to their destinations. Japan faces power struggle ================================================================================ klosi on 13 April, 2011 07:33:00 Climate goals in doubt as fossil fuels come to the fore in fight to meet electricity demand. The class ceiling ================================================================================ klosi on 12 April, 2011 21:09:00 The key stumbling block, however, is aspiration. The overwhelming reason for the low take-up of university places is that not enough black Caribbean students ... Delegacioni i KiE mbërrin në Tiranë ================================================================================ klosi on 12 April, 2011 20:39:00 Një mision i OSBE/ODIHR i kryesuar nga Z. Jonathan Stonestreet në detyrën e Këshilltarit të Lartë Zgjedhor, do të vëzhgojnë zgjedhjet vendore të 8 Majit në Shqipëri. Mitt Romney announces presidential bid ================================================================================ klosi on 12 April, 2011 20:22:00 Mr. Romney, a multimillionaire businessman, is the second Republican candidate to throw his hat in the ring after Tim Pawlenty, former Governor of Minnesota. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 12 April, 2011 08:52:00 Kur kishte për të ardhur ai, mbushte me trëndafila dy vazot e saj të mëdha prej qelqi të kaltër, dhe përgatiste si dhomën edhe veten si ndonjë kurtizane që pret një princ. Hungry judges dispense rough justice ================================================================================ klosi on 12 April, 2011 07:57:00 When they need a break, decision-makers gravitate towards the easy option. "Wonderland" ================================================================================ klosi on 12 April, 2011 07:51:00 Gjendu në vendin e duhur, në kohën e duhur. Moralizo. Milionat, një aset më shumë. Shfrytëzo pazotësinë e politikanëve e partive të tyre. Kushtëzo. Dhe ja ku je, President! A classic British compromise ================================================================================ klosi on 11 April, 2011 08:42:00 The ICB’s report may not have been the product of the smoke-filled rooms of old, but it is hard to miss the distinct whiff of a classic British compromise. Starting early for 2012 ================================================================================ klosi on 11 April, 2011 08:18:00 President Obama inherited an economy in deep crisis, but managed to keep it from sinking.