Klosi: Klosi News Open-ended war ================================================================================ klosi on 28 March, 2011 18:52:00 Such issues, however, only form a subset of wider problems. One of those is domestic public support. In the United Kingdom, backing — usually high at the start of such military adventurism ... Tourists banned from Amazon village ================================================================================ klosi on 27 March, 2011 13:37:00 Tourists have been banned from visiting a village in the Colombian Amazon after a meeting of the indigenous population. André Gide (1869-1951) ================================================================================ klosi on 24 March, 2011 20:41:00 French writer, humanist, and moralist who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1947. KQZ ndan fondin e partive ================================================================================ klosi on 24 March, 2011 18:45:00 Ky fond do të përdoret për organizimin e fushatës nga forcat politike. Germany to recognise foreign degrees ================================================================================ klosi on 23 March, 2011 21:01:00 The new legislation is aimed attracting more skilled labourers and opening access to the labour market to an estimated 300,000 skilled immigrants already in the country. Edhe në Parlamentin Europian ...? ================================================================================ klosi on 22 March, 2011 14:15:00 Gazetarët e infiltruar si lobues ofronin 4 mijë euro në ditë për shërbim konsultues dhe 100 mijë euro do të ishte pagesa në rast se do të merrnin pjesë në mbledhjet e bordit mbikëqyrës të bankës... Presidenti Pacolli: Të unifikojmë ligjet dhe të heqim doganat ================================================================================ klosi on 22 March, 2011 07:25:00 Të sigurojmë lëvizje të lirë të njerëzve, të mallrave, të ideve, të kapitaleve. Së pari mes nesh. Britain and the Libyan crisis ================================================================================ klosi on 22 March, 2011 03:16:00 In Britain, which led the campaign for military intervention, there is nervousness despite a public show of bravado. Vendoret 2011, zgjedhje për standarde apo zgjidhje?! ================================================================================ klosi on 22 March, 2011 07:07:00 Pushteti i takon atij, që është me i besueshëm, atij, që ka dhënë prova dhe sjellë alternativa konkrete për zgjidhje të problematikave akute, por edhe ato të perspektivës, atij, që merr shumicën e votave të sovranit. Obama in Bush's footsteps ================================================================================ klosi on 21 March, 2011 19:00:00 That raises the spectre of a land invasion, despite the U.N. Resolution's explicit interdiction. iPhone 5 complete guide ================================================================================ klosi on 20 March, 2011 09:25:00 We're expecting a new version of Apple's operating system, iOS, to arrive along with the iPhone 5. We can't promise it will be iOS 5, or that it will have any of our most-wanted features. GAGA-izmi shqiptar ================================================================================ klosi on 20 March, 2011 09:19:00 Fytyra e mirë e një vendi propagandohet me transparencë qeverisjeje, zgjedhje normale, me fushata milionëshe lufte kundër korrupsionit e trafikut, me programe milionëshe në edukimin e ekspertëve të shumë fushave, kuadrove mjekësore, inxhinierëve. Super Full Moon ================================================================================ klosi on 18 March, 2011 16:58:00 The Moon looks extra-big when it is beaming through foreground objects--a.k.a. "the Moon illusion." Indeed, contrary to some reports circulating the Internet, perigee Moons do not trigger natural disasters. Lëkura e gjarprit ================================================================================ klosi on 18 March, 2011 16:35:00 A ishte krejt kjo vetëm një lojë që gjarpri ta ndërrojë këtë lëkurë të rrjepur betejave publike me një prej burrështetasi modern, dhe për këtë e solli në lojë shqiptarin ndoshta më të pasur në glob... Banks have £136bn exposure to Japan ================================================================================ klosi on 17 March, 2011 14:51:00 UK banks have around £136 billion of exposure to crisis-struck Japan, the City watchdog has said. Britain: could do better ================================================================================ klosi on 17 March, 2011 08:15:00 But the Chancellor also admitted that the Government still has "much more to do". Indeed it does. Pakti me "djallin" ================================================================================ klosi on 17 March, 2011 04:09:00 Bashkimi Europian, duhet të zbatojë në parim rregullin unik, si standard për integrime evropiane për të gjitha shtetet e Ballkanit, e jo të veprojë me dy “barometra”: UK unemployment surges ================================================================================ klosi on 16 March, 2011 15:10:00 The total number of people unemployed increased by 27,000 in the three months to January to 2.53m, the highest figure since 1994, the Office for National Statistics said. Sundimi i Pakicës ================================================================================ klosi on 16 March, 2011 18:36:00 Formati i negociatave në Bruksel është pothuajse i dizajnuar për të gjitha palët që marrin pjesë në negociata. Japan's emperor addresses nation ================================================================================ klosi on 16 March, 2011 09:15:00 "This earthquake was worse than the Great Kanto Earthquake (in 1923) ... It's never been experienced before," said Miiko Kodama, an expert in media studies. "This is a symbol of that." Assange says the Internet is obstacle to free speech ================================================================================ klosi on 16 March, 2011 09:03:00 "It is not a technology that favours freedom of speech," he said. "It is not a technology that favours human rights. Rather it is a technology that can be used to set up a totalitarian spying regime... Democritus And The People Of Abdera ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2011 15:47:00 "Our citizen," said the spokesman with tears in his eyes, "has lost his wits, alas! Study has corrupted Democritus. If he were less wise we should esteem him much more. Japan's nuclear woes ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2011 19:30:00 It has today more than 50 commercially operating nuclear reactors. These reactors were built taking into account the fact that they would be operating in a seismically dangerous environment. * * * ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2011 18:25:00 And certainly, if there is a psychological theory that helps a person to find what kind of words or deeds can bridge the chasm between people, to heal misunderstandings, that is also a worthy goal. Formulari që do t’i bëjë shqiptarët, grekë ================================================================================ klosi on 14 March, 2011 10:15:00 Kryeministri i Anglisë, Toni Bler tha në Kosovë: “Ne i kemi borxh këtij populli dhe duhet ta ndreqim gabimin e bërë më 1913.” Japan launches huge rescue effort ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2011 15:52:00 Military mobilised; series of strong aftershocks on Saturday. EU leaders reach deal on debt crisis ================================================================================ klosi on 12 March, 2011 09:03:00 European leaders reached agreement in the early hours of this morning on how to tackle the debt crisis afflicting the nations using the single currency, with significant concessions from Germany. Imponimi i radhës ================================================================================ klosi on 12 March, 2011 08:49:00 Pa miratimin e Kuvendit, bisedimet filluan apo më mirë të thuhet vazhduan, me që rast u pa fakti se kërkesa e qeverisë për miratimin e Kuvendit për... Environment: Earth's acid test ================================================================================ klosi on 10 March, 2011 18:33:00 As the oceans rapidly grow more acidic, scientists are scrambling to discover how marine life is likely to react. Topi: Të krijohet klimë e duhur për zgjedhjet ================================================================================ klosi on 09 March, 2011 13:51:00 Të zgjidhen në një mënyrë shumë demokratike organet e pushtetit vendor, të jemi ne ata që të kemi në dorë institucionet! Humanist religious question census campaign launched ================================================================================ klosi on 09 March, 2011 18:13:00 But BHA chief executive Andrew Copson believes the wording of the question in the last census resulted in 72% of people being classed as Christians... In search of a second earth ================================================================================ klosi on 09 March, 2011 18:08:00 The main objective of the Kepler mission is to find Earth-sized planets orbiting Sun-like stars and capable of supporting life. International Women's Day ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2011 18:24:00 Many around the world focused on gender equality, which OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria called "a moral imperative as well as an economic necessity". Shpresa përtej kufirit… ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2011 13:28:00 Mirëpo unë nuk e di se ku mund të merret një kredi për kthimin e shpresës në këtë vend. Një botë tjetër po shfaqet ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2011 11:35:00 Shqipëria po ballafaqohet prej vitesh me një krizë të pazakontë dhe me mjaft pasoja sociale. European researchers chase billion-euro technology prize ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2011 16:17:00 Each project involves a large consortium of scientists from all over Europe, and each will now receive €1.5 million for a one-year feasibility study. Abuzimet në emër të demokracisë ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2011 16:11:00 Në një shtet demokratik europian, qeveria përbën vetëm një element që bashkëjeton në kuadrin e një strukture shoqërore të përbërë prej institucionesh... Presidenti Topi, uron mësuesit për 7 Marsin ================================================================================ klosi on 07 March, 2011 16:41:00 Gjithashtu Presidenti Topi ka vlerësuar rolin e mësuesve për edukatën qytetare, por edhe për përparimin e vendit e të kombit. Racizmi dhe papunësia kërcënojnë emigrantët ================================================================================ klosi on 03 March, 2011 20:56:00 Bota do të "zhduket" deri më 2050, do të jetë krejt e panjohur. Bota jonë do të bëhet krejtësisht e panjohur deri më 2050 nëse vazhdon me ritmet e sotme. Sot Botën nuk e pret një e ardhme optimiste. International Criminal Court Begins Libya Inquiry ================================================================================ klosi on 03 March, 2011 20:40:00 While the criminal investigation and the international sanctions are expected to take weeks to have any effect, they reflected widespread condemnation ... Could you defend yourself in court? ================================================================================ klosi on 03 March, 2011 19:24:00 "You get to understand that a court is like a theatre - you get all these characters, the judges and the ushers and the clerks. Shtëpia e akullt ================================================================================ klosi on 02 March, 2011 20:23:00 Nën hijen e njëjtë, por në një ulëse tjetër, nga druri më një tavolinë të vockël gjysmë të rrezuar, luanin shah dy pleq të tjerë.