Klosi: Klosi News Japanese architects win Pritzker Prize ================================================================================ klosi on 31 March, 2010 15:58:00 The current works of these two architects include the Hyundai Factory, Seoul, in Korea and the House for China International Practical Exhibition of Architecture, Nanjing. Setback to French move to ban veil ================================================================================ klosi on 30 March, 2010 21:20:00 Wearing a full-body veil is already forbidden in some cases: for public servants exercising their duties, in schools or in businesses where it would interfere with work, for example. Universe expansion 'is speeding up' ================================================================================ klosi on 29 March, 2010 17:35:00 Astronomers have claimed that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, after studying thousands of galaxies using the Hubble Space Telescope. Russia disputes U.S. claim on missiles ================================================================================ klosi on 29 March, 2010 17:30:00 The Russian statement said the treaty contained a “legally binding linkage between strategic offensive and strategic defensive weapons”. Borchard: Ngërçi politik, pengesë për integrimin ================================================================================ klosi on 28 March, 2010 18:33:00 Z. Borchard ka rikonfirmuar se mungesa e bashkëpunimit mes forcave kryesore politike në vend është e pafavorshme për aspiratën kryesore të shqiptarëve, integrimin në Bashkimin Europian. 5 Tips to power your Gmail ================================================================================ klosi on 28 March, 2010 17:49:00 Perhaps the quickest way is to take advantage of Gmail's POP3 functionality to set up your Gmail accounts in a traditional e-mail client, such as Outlook, Thunderbird, or Eudora. Do not wait for disaster to strike ================================================================================ klosi on 26 March, 2010 21:25:00 Investing in systems for disaster reduction, preparedness and management have brought down death tolls and property loss in many countries. 2 U.K. papers to charge for online access ================================================================================ klosi on 26 March, 2010 21:18:00 Owners of The Times newspapers announced that from June free access to their redesigned websites would be restricted to only those who already have a seven-day subscription to their print editions. Mind exercises may improve alertness ================================================================================ klosi on 25 March, 2010 20:36:00 "Working memory is an important feature of mind-fitness. Not only does it safeguard against distraction and emotional reactivity, but it also provides a mental workspace... Life term for Nazi hit man ================================================================================ klosi on 23 March, 2010 22:40:00 “And I knew that if I didn't carry out my orders I would be breaking my oath and would be shot myself.” Jogging boosts brain power ================================================================================ klosi on 23 March, 2010 22:37:00 Jogging a couple of days a week can significantly improve memory, say researchers. Obama's healthcare triumph ================================================================================ klosi on 22 March, 2010 21:49:00 Healthcare reform in the U.S. has always been politically fraught, and the Obama administration has worked extremely hard to obtain Congressional approval for the bill. Ljubicic wins at Indian Wells ================================================================================ klosi on 22 March, 2010 21:47:00 “It was really a mind game,” Ljubicic said. “When you have two big serves, not a lot of rallies happening, it's a very mental match. I was fortunate enough to be more relaxed by the end.” Kerala student joins Geneva experiment ================================================================================ klosi on 22 March, 2010 21:43:00 He had disputed the black hole theory of Stephen Hawking. Struga ================================================================================ klosi on 21 March, 2010 19:47:00 Struga has a picturesque beauty, wonderful sighs and many of old monuments, like the clay chamberpots at the house of the Miladinov Brothers, the old Struga bazaar, the century old churches and mosques. Japan planning 14 nuclear plants: Report ================================================================================ klosi on 21 March, 2010 18:50:00 Japan has few energy resources and relies on nuclear power from 53 plants for nearly one third of its domestic electricity needs. Soderling stops Murray ================================================================================ klosi on 20 March, 2010 23:18:00 Sixth-seeded Soderling defeated Murray 6-1, 7-6(4), his booming serves and powerful groundstrokes giving the Briton no chance to work his way into the match. Kush e pengon bashkimin kombëtar? ================================================================================ klosi on 19 March, 2010 22:24:00 Çështja kombëtare është çështja jonë themelore, është guri i provës për çdo shqiptar, që e ka këtë emër të vërtetë. Obama signs jobs bill into law ================================================================================ klosi on 19 March, 2010 21:43:00 Speaking before signing the bill, Mr. Obama struck a cautious note saying, “I'm signing it mindful that, as I've said before, the solution to our economic problems will not come from government alone. Selective hearing? It's in the brain, not in ears ================================================================================ klosi on 19 March, 2010 21:35:00 London: Selective hearing? It’s all in the brain, and not ear, say scientists. Fulham and Liverpool post wins ================================================================================ klosi on 19 March, 2010 21:32:00 Fulham now enters quarterfinals. Torres scores twice in Liverpool's win. Eastern Europe, Central Asia warned of energy crunch ================================================================================ klosi on 18 March, 2010 21:06:00 According to the report, demand for primary energy in the region was expected to increase by 50 percent by 2030, while demand for electricity was expected to increase by 90 percent. 10 Little-known facts about .com ================================================================================ klosi on 18 March, 2010 21:02:00 According to a new ITIF study, the dotcom domain has become the platform for $400 billion in annual economic activity, a number that is expected to rise to $950 billion by 2020. Password-stealing virus on Facebook ================================================================================ klosi on 18 March, 2010 20:49:00 "With Facebook as your lure, you potentially have 400 million people that can click on the attachment. If you get 10 per cent success, that's 40 million," he said. U.N. recognises Russia-led bloc ================================================================================ klosi on 18 March, 2010 20:45:00 U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon signed the document in Moscow on Thursday along with General Nikolai Bordyuzha, head of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO). Left-Green revival in France ================================================================================ klosi on 17 March, 2010 20:40:00 Many analysts see the low turnout, 46.35 per cent, as a symptom of a deep discontent with the nature of contemporary politics. FBI uses Facebook ================================================================================ klosi on 17 March, 2010 20:35:00 FBI agents have created fake personalities — in apparent contravention of some of the sites' rules — to befriend suspects and lure them into revealing clues or confessing, access private information and map social networks. Da Vinci code: Doomsday in 4006 ================================================================================ klosi on 17 March, 2010 11:49:00 Leonardo da Vinci predicted that the world would end in 4006, a Vatican researcher has claimed. Djokovic rallies past Kohlschreiber ================================================================================ klosi on 16 March, 2010 21:34:00 Defending champion and third-ranked Rafael Nadal needed just over an hour to put away Mario Ancic of Croatia, 6-2, 6-2. Brown's defining failure ================================================================================ klosi on 16 March, 2010 20:09:00 New Labour's unpopular helmsman, who faces a general election within weeks, evidently wanted to limit the damage to his reputation. Ligjin për SHISH dhe NATO ================================================================================ klosi on 15 March, 2010 17:10:00 Gjithashtu, "Partia Socialiste nuk do të lejojë miratimin e ligjit nga Parlamenti", tha Rama. No place for women? Harvard's changed ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2010 21:17:00 Universitywide, slightly more than a quarter of Harvard faculty members are women, an all-time high, with the senior faculty accounting for most of the increase. Niagara Falls ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2010 21:14:00 A popular tourist site for over a century, the natural wonder is shared between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario and Niagara Falls, New York. Honey bees' secret heat ================================================================================ klosi on 13 March, 2010 16:07:00 Honey bees precisely control the temperature inside their hives to determine which job their young will perform in the colony when mature, new research has revealed. Papaya may harbour cancer cure ================================================================================ klosi on 12 March, 2010 20:17:00 The papaya extract did not have any toxic effects on normal cells, avoiding a common and devastating consequence of many cancer therapy regimens. Ëndrra nuk zgjati ================================================================================ klosi on 11 March, 2010 18:55:00 Efektet bombë të fazës së parë të spastrimit etnik, i cili u erdhi qarqeve nacionaliste i mbështjellë me letrën e liberalizmit të vizave, tregojnë se në çfarë realiteti tragjik jetojnë shqiptarët. World's 10 richest techies ================================================================================ klosi on 11 March, 2010 18:46:00 According to Forbes, Slim's fortune swelled to an estimated $53.5 billion, up $18.5 billion in 12 months. Berlin, Panairi më i madh për turizmin ================================================================================ klosi on 10 March, 2010 22:07:00 Për këtë vit, Agjencia e OKB-së për Turizmin Global parashikon një rritje prej 3-4 për qind të vëllimit të turizmit në shkallë globale. Populizmi dhe morali i eroduar politik ================================================================================ klosi on 10 March, 2010 21:56:00 Morali politik vjen në krye të radhës së faktorëve të cilët do të ndihmojnë në çrrënjosjen e përdorimit të populizmit si mjet për të përfituar trupin votues. Chile enters quarterfinals ================================================================================ klosi on 09 March, 2010 19:27:00 Chile will face the Czech Republic in the next round. 'Secret to ageing' discovered ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2010 16:11:00 The study could lead to a "much better chance of making a successful attack on age-related diseases," according to the researchers. Google and our digital future ================================================================================ klosi on 08 March, 2010 21:06:00 It would benefit all if the final ruling strikes an equitable and fine balance — one that protects the rights of authors and publishers... Why PCs understand women more than men ================================================================================ klosi on 07 March, 2010 21:24:00 Voice recognition computers find men harder to understand than women, Edinburgh University scientists have found. Google Earth's unusual discoveries ================================================================================ klosi on 06 March, 2010 21:31:00 The mapping tool has found and cataloged some of the most unusual places around the globe. From secret Swastika to a Red lake, there are many unbelievable places discovered by Google Earth. Air traffic control in U.S. ================================================================================ klosi on 05 March, 2010 21:41:00 Planes were directed by two children on two occasions. Apatia qytetare dhe shoqëria civile ================================================================================ klosi on 04 March, 2010 21:36:00 Aktualisht, 2 vjet pas shpalljes së pavarësisë, duket se shoqëria civile në Kosovë ka filluar të normalizohet dhe të ushtrojë rolin për të cilin edhe është e thirrur. Alarmi mediatik nxjerr gjumin e qeverisë ================================================================================ klosi on 03 March, 2010 20:42:00 Më së fundi Gruevski guxoi dhe i quajti mashtrime të gjithë ata që premtonin se të ikurit jashtë vendit do të përfitonin azil në Belgjikë. The Netherlands beat NZ 3-1 at hockey ================================================================================ klosi on 03 March, 2010 20:38:00 The Netherlands earned five penalty corners in the match while New Zealand got three. The Dutch now topped the Pool A with six points from two wins. In China, a chorus for reforms ================================================================================ klosi on 02 March, 2010 21:47:00 Household registration, or hukou, essentially identifies each Chinese citizen as urban or rural. It dates back to the time when the Chinese revolutionary Mao wanted to control migration to cities. Easy ways to cure acidity ================================================================================ klosi on 02 March, 2010 21:42:00 Jaggery, lemon, banana, almonds and yogurt are all known to give you instant relief from acidity. Obama to focus on costs ================================================================================ klosi on 02 March, 2010 21:38:00 Mr. Obama on Wednesday “will talk about the merits of the legislation, mainly about the costs of doing nothing versus the cost of doing something and what this will accomplish”... Ku shkojnë shqiptarët ? ================================================================================ klosi on 02 March, 2010 14:09:00 Liberalizimi i vizave ishte një hap shumë i rëndësishëm për disa vende të Ballkanit, dhe diskriminim i disa shteteve tjera, që nuk ndodhi rastësisht. Goodbye to kiss-and-tell journalism? ================================================================================ klosi on 01 March, 2010 18:35:00 The good news, if the move goes through, will be that it will put an end to Britain's notorious kiss-and-tell media culture that has made nonsense of any notion of privacy.