Klosi: admin * * * ================================================================================ admin on 31 May, 2011 05:34:00 A letter from home was worth ten thousand pieces of gold. I scratch the scant hairs on my white head... * * * ================================================================================ admin on 30 May, 2011 18:47:00 Steeped in the light are beautiful. What majestic stillness broods Over these colored solitudes. Sonnet to Liberty ================================================================================ admin on 28 May, 2011 15:49:00 But that the roar of thy Democracies, Thy reigns of Terror, thy great Anarchies, Mirror my wildest passions like the sea... * * * ================================================================================ admin on 28 May, 2011 19:28:00 And filled my huge beer mug, whose froth was turned Into gold by a ray of late sunshine. Silence ================================================================================ admin on 26 May, 2011 19:55:00 He is the corporate Silence: dread him not! No power hath he of evil in himself... * * * ================================================================================ admin on 24 May, 2011 11:41:00 We have been "programmed' biologically, physically and also" programmed' mentally, intellectually. We must be aware of having been programmed, like a computer. Djokovic, Federer on collision course ================================================================================ admin on 21 May, 2011 17:14:00 Though third seed Federer has lost his last three meetings to Djokovic, the Swiss still holds a career 13-9 winning record over the Serb and is 2-1 on clay. Zgjidhja? Çaushesku! ================================================================================ admin on 21 May, 2011 09:03:00 Mos prisni shpëtim nga Amerika apo BE-ja. Përpos faktit se manipulimi i votës ka ndodhur nën hundën e tyre, Berisha e di mirë se këta "iriqë pa gjemba", do ta mbështesin rezultatin. Mesazh për Zgjedhjet Lokale ================================================================================ admin on 07 May, 2011 08:44:00 Shqipëria meriton një qeverisje lokale efektive, proces zgjedhor të standardeve demokratike, demokraci funksionale dhe politika afatgjata zhvillimi dhe integrimi. Topi: Qytetarët të respektojnë votën në 8 Maj ================================================================================ admin on 03 May, 2011 17:06:00 “Nuk kanë munguar mesazhet që zgjedhjet të zhvillohen sipas standarteve. Deri më tani po shihet një fushatë me një retorikë të ashpër e cila po transmetohet tek publiku”, ka theksuar Topi. Dita botërore e lirisë së shtypit ================================================================================ admin on 02 May, 2011 08:14:00 Dita Botërore e Lirisë së Shtypit festohet çdo vit, anë e mbanë botës, me 3 Maj. Ky, sipas Kombeve të Bashkuara, është një rast për të nënvizuar parimet themelore të lirisë së shtypit, si edhe për të vlerësuar lirinë e shtypit... * * * ================================================================================ admin on 01 May, 2011 18:34:00 The journalist then repaired to the office of "La Vie Francaise." As he entered he saw by the clerks' busy air that something of importance was going on, and he hastened to the manager's room. * * * ================================================================================ admin on 01 May, 2011 13:49:00 Te mallkuarit e reres fshine thikat dhe iken me turbanet tere gjak. * * * ================================================================================ admin on 01 May, 2011 11:57:00 And our innocence still Mocks the fantasies Of those tilters at windmills Though sometimes we feel.