Klosi: Dea Klosi * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 29 April, 2014 17:38:00 * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 28 April, 2014 10:14:00 Who is lost in deadly jaws of cruel Nature's iron laws; but in vain, you know because the ones once gone never return... Blue Butterfly ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 28 April, 2014 10:02:00 In a field full of yellow flowers, Small beauties were flying. In open for hours and hours, There was no hiding. * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 28 April, 2014 08:02:00 Remote as the district was, however, many rich families had built their villas there. It was quite near the sea also, which was convenient for swimmers such as myself. Intervistë me Autorin Enkelejd Lamaj ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 21 April, 2014 10:38:00 Libri elektronik ka marrë një zgjerim të paimagjinueshëm dhe, ndryshe nga libri në letër, ai nuk njeh kufij dhe është më ekonomik. Duke thënë këtë, them se sot lexohet dhe lexohet më shumë se ç’është lexuar më parë. * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 21 April, 2014 10:22:00 And far away a mountain zone, A cold, white waste of snow-drifts lies, And one star, large and soft and lone, Silently lights the unclouded skies. Gabriel García Márquez (1928-2014) ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 17 April, 2014 18:51:00 In 1982 García Márquez was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. With his Nobel Prize money he bought in 1999 the weekly news magazine Cambio. * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 13 April, 2014 08:09:00 * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 04 April, 2014 06:00:00 Then shall the bounds of the solid Earth Mingle with the liquid of the Sky: Then shalt thou gain freedom from Re-birth, Merging into Shiv the Self on high. Intervistë me Artan Gjyzel Hasanin ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 04 April, 2014 04:16:00 Uroj që epoka e internetit t’i çojë drejt zhdukjes këto specie dhe bashkë me to edhe institucionet letrare parazitare si juritë, çmimet, festivalet e panairet. Lexuesi është juria e vërtetë dhe çmimin ta jep Koha. Yasunari Kawabata (1899-1972) ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 01 April, 2014 18:51:00 Yasunari Kawabata became the first Japanese novelist to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. His works combined the beauty of old Japan with modernist trends, and his prose blended realism with surrealistic visions. * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 01 April, 2014 17:35:00