Klosi: Dea Klosi * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 12 October, 2013 09:52:00 The dance was being held in one of the altogether decent but not prosperous-looking houses on our road. A large wooden house inhabited by people I knew nothing about, except that the husband worked in the foundry, even though he was old enough to be my grandfather. Alice Munro wins Nobel Prize for Literature ================================================================================ DD on 10 October, 2013 11:41:00 Canadian author Alice Munro has won the 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature. * * * ================================================================================ Dea Klosi on 02 October, 2013 18:59:00 I have heard the phrase: 'Seize the moment'. It's easily said, but hard to do. In my view, it's a meaningless expression. And really, you can't call for the impossible.